Gots some Major Dental Work (three crowns) going on tomorrow, and I’m extremely dental-phobic with good reason. New dentist (she’s been seeing the kids for 18 months… I haven’t seen a dentist since before that. Bad Mama!!). Last experience with MDW was a crown, followed by a root canal, followed by an extraction, on one of my molars.
I’m not looking forward to the work tomorrow - that last crown was actually not so bad, so (foolishly) I figured I could deal with the root canal w/o happy juice when the crown didn’t resolve the pain. Uh, nope… after the injection of novocaine, when they peeled my hysterical self off the ceiling, they gave me Dalmane (?) which didn’t help much (when the root canal also failed to solve the problem, I had the extraction done under IV sedation which was actually OK).
The new dentist was pretty sympathetic when I told her of my history. I suggested she use a sledgehammer on the side of my head, or at least horse tranquilizers. She gave me, instead, 2 doses of Halcion - one to be taken tonight, one tomorrow morning (and of course I’m not to drive myself).
So I phoned my doc’s office this morning to check in and make sure this was not contraindicated. The person who took the message bollixed it up and I got a callback saying “Sorry, doctor can’t prescribe Halcion due to malpractice insurance!”.
Bwuh??? Is this stuff that dangerous? Anyone hear anything along these lines? What I’ve found googling implies it’s for longer-term use, whereas I’ll have two pills (well, technically I’ve got 4 - I guess for the next time I have work done).
Usual disclaimer: I’ve gotten another message from the doc to confirm that it’s OK me to use this one pair-of-doses (I clarified the situation with the receptionist and got the answer to the question I’d actually asked), I’m just trying to find out whether the stuff is in general that dangerous!
Oh - and on the IMHO side (this might get moved there anyway):
How loopy will this stuff make me? Heaven knows I’m clumsy enough w/o it, but am I gonna fall down the stairs? pee on the carpet? get higher than a kite? Embarass myself in front of the kids? Am I even going to be able to stagger to the car? (no, I’m NOT driving myself!!!Mama is not that stoopid!).