handy: The King is (almost) dead. Long live the Queen!

Anyone who’s been around this board for any significant length of time should know that handy has the highest post count, and has held the title of “most prolific poster” by a huge margin for a very long time.

In April of this year, handy had about 15,000 posts, and had a comfortable margin of about 1,400 posts in front of the nearest contender.

Now it’s November, and handy has some 17,300 posts. But the closest rival is now only 90 posts behind. In about a week, handy will no longer hold the title.

Everyone say good bye to handy, and hello to Guinastasia.

End of one era, beginning of another. :slight_smile:

It will be like losing a landmark. That, and the next time a new poster asks, “Who has the highest post count?” it’ll be “Oh, that’s Han- … er, no, hang on – I think it’s now …” sigh Change can be so confusing.

Good on you, Guinastasia. :slight_smile:

Good sir, what is your opinion of Guinastasia? And handy?

What of you, Ice Wolf?

Also, what will happen when that happens? Will something happen?

This seems very Mundane and Pointless to me. So I’m moving it.


Mundanely and pointlessly, I’m in awe of both of them. Bravo and brava and all of that. mindless applause

I’m honestly confused as to what’s awesome about having an extremely high post count. I don’t get it.

There’s no fucking point to this thread now that it’s out of the pit.

Mods, close up please.

I wish people like tomndebb had such a high post count. Imagine what this place would be like if the truly wise and thoughtful posted, instead of lightweights like myself who just love to see their own typed words on the screen…instead of people who have some warped agendo to get across… instead of people who jump to find offense in the words of their fellow posters and the world at large.

Closed at the request of the OP.

Cajun Man ~ SDMB Moderator