Hang up the phone when beating wife

So I walk in from lunch and the lady in the front off and “new guy” wave me into her office.

“Listen to this! Some women is being assaulted!”. Seems like, for some bizzare reason, sombody dialed our number right before getting assaulted.

“I don’t know what to do! I don’t know her number!”.

Me: Call 911 and give them the number for that line, maybe they can get the operator to break in or something.

Lo and behold, they were able to get a trace on the number and snagged the guy beating his wife, evidently caught him red-handed.

I really didn’t know that that would or could work, but I can’t believe neither of them thought of it.

Glad they caught the guy, gonna be hard to talk his way out of this one…

Wow. How weird. What kind of business is it?

Manufacturing. I had a few minutes to ask them, and they confirmed that the 911 people were able to trace the number and were able to get to the house. Strange indeed.

Well…cool that it worked and he was caught. Still sad.

But anyways, good to see another rat doing good work.

“For quality purposes, your domestic battery may be monitored or recorded.”

In all seriousness, if the call was recorded I hope you turn it over to the police and get the son of a bitch sent away for a long time.

Yikes. Kudos to you for being quick thinking. Who knows what could have happened if you hadn’t intervened. You might have saved that woman’s life.

Well what’s the fun if you can’t share it with someone?

Reeeeeacch out - reach out and touch someone

Okay, I’m sorry. Domestic abuse is not funny.

Somebody must have gotten CTU involved.

Domestic abuse isn’t funny, but that was. :wink:

This is the most inappropriate thing I’ve laughed at all day. I can picture it…

As you can hear, the caller is clearly agitated. Notice how the law enforcement officers use force and coersion him to stop taking out his agression on his wife…