Hangin' at the Playboy Mansion

My wife and I were watching TV the other night, and the incessant commercials for the Friar’s club roast of Hef and the videos for partys at the Playboy Mansion prompted my wife to inquire, “How do you know when it’s time for you to leave the Mansion?” Hummmmm…

Good question! If you’re hanging out at a party, you probably just kind of leave when it fizzles out. But, if you are a more “permanant fixture”, lounging by the pool in your thong sipping drinks on a regular basis, and you start to go “to seed”- maybe some crows feet or a few extra pounds- just who decides when its time to go, and who delivers the unkind cut? Is it Hef himself? Does he have a social director? Or maybe they just stop making your bed and feeding you? That might get the point across. Just what happens here? Anybody got the dope? Thanks for the input!


I always figured that the women lounging about Hef’s pool were this month’s Playboy® bunnies. They’ll leave when next month’s edition comes out.

…and my wife thinks its just me who ignores her “cosmic inquirys”…

Nope. Last year’s models hang out with some 90’s bunnys as well.

I don’t know if bunnies are ever turned away, but they may not get as many invites as the years pass.

Interesting question.

FWIW, Playboy bunnies were the women who worked as hostesses and cocktail waitresses at the old Playboy clubs (do those still exist?) They wore the distinctive bunny uniforms with the ears and tail. Playboy Playmates are the women who appeared in the magazine as the centerfold. There is only one per month except in the few cases of sisters who were co-playmates. Each Playboy issue typically had (has? it’s been a while since I’ve looked at one) two other photo sets, but the women in them were not considered Playmates just on the basis of being in the magazine.

It IS an interesting question!

Another WAG is that it’s someone other than Hef that gives 'em the boot. Last thing the rag would want is a pissed bunny spreading unpleasantries about the icon. Look at what a dissed Switzer said about Aikman. Maybe his daughter does the duty or, like you mentioned, most likely a Social Director (Hutch Hen) of some sort.

I have read interviews with some “playmates” that have said that they were invited to hang around the mansion before they appeared in the magazine. Maybe it was like an audition of sorts for them.

I have a friend who has been to the mansion on quite a few occasions. Maybe I’ll ask him if he knows anything.

Heh, heh, heh… “…spreading (her) unpleasantries…” “…about the icon…” Heh, heh, heh.

I thought that’s how they got in in the first place.

Heh, heh, heh.

uhhhh, settle down, Beavis…

thanks for the input!

my wife has scolded me and wants me to inquire about the “semi-live-ins”. i think i will make her sign up herself… on second thought, then she could see how i spend my days…

IIRC they still have Playboy Clubs in Japan and a few other places in Asia. The US clubs shut down in the 1980s, with the ones associated with Hilton hotels in the Midwest being the last ones to go.