Hanoi Jane - as American as smart bombs and Bozo

First let me say thank you for your service to this country and all you’ve done. My respect is immeasurable.
My statement follows years of talks with numerous friends that served and their reports of treatment and attitudes upon returning home. The “getting off the plane” is a common misnomer and commonly meant “shortly after returning home” in the context used with me. The times it was discussed usually took place in a bar, a commercial airport or hotel while on leave. The insults and such took various forms and I doubt many, if any, were reported in any official capacity. As a “long-hair” of the time I had the opportunity to observe the attitudes, and occasionally the acts, from both sides. I speak to personal experience and those related first-hand to me. I have no documentation to support this and offered it as some insight to varied opinions held about Ms. Fonda for those here that are unfamiliar with the long history behind that name.

Hey, if you wanna argue about Jane Fonda, howzabout sticking it in GD or the Pit where it belongs? (I don’t have a “report this post” button, for whatever reason.)

EC is correct and I withdraw.

I’ve opened another thread in IMHO (deliberately there, as everything that’s been contributed so far, and most of what is likely to come, relates to first-hand experience, stories from friends and friends of friends, which can be quite subjective) for discussion of whether service personnel, when in the States, having returned from Vietnam on leave were ever insulted or spat upon.

Please keep this thread to a discussion of her book, especially her writing style, and also of the review. Plenty to discuss there.

I had a teacher in high school who was very proud to tell us that he & his friends used to participate in this activity.

:eek: :eek: :eek: Sounds like she deserves abuse, for whatever reason.

If, as the author asserts, the memory is socially constructed, it would work both ways. Try reading Chefguy’s post again. Slowly, this time. Military policies made it a physical impossibility. So you are not relating the story accurately, or your teacher was not. Perhaps you could contact this teacher and ask him how he managed to get on an Air Force base.

I’m sorry…I posted that before I got to Chefguy’s post. I’m sorry I wasn’t clear. He didn’t say that he did it on an Air Force base, or at any airport. He just said he did it to soldiers. I haven’t seen the guy in 20 years, so I have no idea where he is now. I have no idea if he was making it up or not, but if he was in my mind that’s just about as bad.

Me too also. Sorry for the hijack.