Kentuck theater owner ain't fonda Jane

I know it’s a lame rant, but this story got my attention this morning. It seems that some people just can’t get over the past. While this theater owner has a perfect right to show or not to show a Jane Fonda movie, in the end he makes no point beyond his own inability to grow, and he cuts himself off from the returns from what is shaping up to be a popular film. If he’s still that pissed off at Fonda, even though she has apologized for her actions of more than 30 years ago, why doesn’t he just write her a letter? Or pit her if he’s a Doper? The loss of a theater or two isn’t going to hurt Jane Fonda, and, even in Kentucky, this guy’s action may only bring ridicule to himself. Let it go already.

No kidding. I don’t watch her movies because I think she’s a crap actress, not because of something she did 30 years ago. People change, I hope. Obviously this guy doesn’t.

Sadly, it won’t.

It should be stressed that Fonda has only apologized for being photographed on the antiaircraft gun. She still thinks going to North Vietnam was justified, so she has hardly apologized for the bulk of her egregious actions at that time.

The link shows that this guy has much more invested in this issue than most of us do. He trained pilots during the war, and I heard somewhere else that some of those pilots didn’t come home.

Given that, if he wants to forego showing a film by someone who posed on a North Vietnamese antiaircraft gun, that’s his right, and I won’t make any snarky comments about his ability or inability to “grow”.

We all make decisions in our lives about how we want to make, invest or spend out money. There are people on this board who won’t cross picket lines or shop at Wal-Marts, and I don’t see them attacked for this economic choice of theirs.

A free market often means that decisions are motivated by factors that are not based solely on mere price and demand. Oftentimes values are involved, a fact I believe most people understand well.

His theaters, his money, his right to show the films. Or not show them, as the case may be.

I totally agree (and with Star Wars and other summer blockbusters heading out, I don’t think he’ll miss the revenue from what will probably be a one-week hit of Jane’s.)

Absolutely correct. It’s his theater; his values; his decision. None of my business.

But she hasn’t. Her so-called apology was nothing more than a whine about how she’s “sorry” her picture was taken on the ack-ack gun mount, nothing more.

I don’t seem to recall her standing face-to-face with someone like Senator John McCain and trying to apoogize to him. McCain and others were tortured by the guards for refusing to meet with Jane Fonda and her group. Jane Fonda, in 1972, came back to the USA and said that the American POWs were being treated humanely. McCain and others, on their return, pointed out her lies and recounted their torture at the hands of the Vietnamese. Her response was to say that they were liars.

Some things are unforgivable.


Wow. It’s lucky you both pointed that out, because i don’t think the OP was aware of it.

Oh wait. Yes he was.

I didn’t say he wasn’t aware if it, mhendo, but I raised other points in my reply in addition to that one.

Is this a new rule in the Pit? One should only post if one disagrees with the OP? Or is it that one should not post in agreement with one who posts in agreement with the OP, but adds some good commentary? Let me know, please, so that I may make a note of it in order not to transgress Mhendo’s Rules of Order any further.

Why can’t it be like the good old days when he would have just spit a wad of tobacco juice in her face and been done with it?

I think I said that. My observation that “growth” was absent is just an opinion, and I don’t think it particulalry snarky. Of course, YMMV. I just think 30-plus years is a long time to hold a grudge. Incidntally, I have never been against the soldiers, but was always against that war. I feel the same way about the current war, however much I support the military personnel who are fighting it. My beef has always been with the government who sent them, not with the soldiers. That’s fodder for a different thread, but it’s already been done to death.

Posted by DesertGeezer

I’m not thin-skinned; I’m really not. But, being a Doper and all, I feel compelled to fight the ignorance. Yes, there are stupid, low-sloping forehead types in Kentucky. Just as there are everywhere. It’s easy to take a cheap shot at Kentucky; after all, everyone else does it.

Well, don’t. There are dumb people everywhere, there are smart people everywhere, including in Kentucky. Take a stand. Don’t go to the easy stereotype.


Eh… it’s a stupid argument. I never cared for Jane Fonda, but that’s based on what I’ve seen of her acting. Do I care that she went to Viet Nam? Not in the least, it’s history and it’s over with.

Show her movies or don’t… whatever. I believe what motivates the owner is getting the publicity of banning her films, it’s cheaper than buying commercials.

Yeah, right. Like that guy’s done with anything at all. :rolleyes:

I knew where this thread was headed as soon as I read the OP. I wonder if the hamsters have a tool I can use to put a thread on “ignore”?

Nah, I’ll probably have to just take responsibility for my own self and not open it from here on out.

mhendo, you look like the heel for pointing out something that everyone was aware of. They were merely supporting the comment in the OP with a statement of their own, you never do this?

As far as the OP is concerned. I don’t have a problem with the guys protest. On a parrallel track, I doubt if any of the liberals on this board will ever forgive Bush for the war in Iraq. Not the same level of involvement, but the principles are similar. I can see people protesting a Bush appearance in say, Nipples Min., years from now. :smiley:
With every right to do so.

Not that the question of protest rights was ever an issue, but they would have my understanding.

Yeah, and 30-plus years is equally a long time to pigheadedly insist that going to North Vietnam in the middle of a war was perfectly justified. Those veterans and others aren’t the only ones holding a grudge for an awfully long time, you know.

I have said in the past that Jane Fonda’s actions were those of a shallow and stupid woman, and that she did her own side far more harm back then. Little she has done since has mitigated this, so I regard Fonda as someone of little importance. I don’t see her movies, but it’s not any kind of organized boycott. She’s excruciatingly awful to watch on any screen.

I can understand how people closer to the situation might find it harder to forgive her. Doing so would be as difficult, I suppose, as it would be for her to actually, sincerely apologize for her actions those years ago.

I’m not expecting either side to budge much. There are some who take a perverse pleasure in hating Jane Fonda, but what has been little remarked upon is the very real probability that she feels the same way toward her numberless enemies.

Nothing to do with any of that,

It was more about the fact that such posts (“It’s his place, he can do what he wants with it”) often appear in response to threads like this one. Some people seem to think that as long as a person has a legal right to do something, then there’s no point criticizing that person’s decision, or taking issue with it.

It wasn’t that you agreed with the OP; it was more that you offered the fact that the guy had the right to do what he wants with his own place as a refutation of the OP’s criticism.

It’s sort of like when someone points out that tipping is not legally required, as if that’s the end of the debate on the issue. Sure it’s not legally required, but that doesn’t mean i can’t think you’re a jackass if you don’t tip. Similarly in this case, the owner of the theater has every right to show or not show whatever he wants, but people are free to think he’s a moron for taking what is largely a pointless stand that will, if anything, give more publicity to the very movie he’s boycotting.

OK, I see your point. But:

is pretty much how I feel about this particular case. I wasn’t refuting the OP, I just wasn’t going to get bent out of shape about it. Everbody else’s mileage may vary, and neither will I get bent out of shape about what y’all post.

Or it could be that I agree with Mr. Moto so rarely that I wanted to seize upon it. Who knows? :slight_smile: