Happy Anniversary to Geobabe!

The thought I have will be something along the lines of GeoMom and DaddyBill eventually.

Awwwww. Isn’t that just the sweetest?

Geo, I do appreciate that… except for the fact that I’m sitting here seething with jealousy that you actually got to meet the infamous Ed Zotti face-to-face! :wink: Lucky You!

He does that kind of stuff all the damn time. sigh

I was even one of the few who had advance notice that he was coming, and I still flipped out. “Ohmygawd, it’s ED ZOTTI!!!” I’m sure he had no idea way back when the SDMB started what a rock star he would become.

Happy Anniversary Geobabe !!!:smiley:
Even though we didn’t get to meet at the last ChiDope, damn family issues :frowning: , next one I will be there to meet my LJ friend.

UncleBill, keep treating her the way you are or suffer the wrath of a hockey player. :smiley:

Have you been reading my journal at all ?

Seriously, those would be some long-legged, good-lookin’, kilt-wearin’ kids, wouldn’t they?

Happy Anniversary, Geobabe!!

What a coincidence: Monday was my 2-year anniversary…but I haven’t spent my two years as well as you have. You’re a legend! I’ll miss you at MADfests when you move, but I’ll still look forward to reading your posts as much as possible.

Why do you think you’ll miss her, Sara, babe? We are some traveling fiends! We’ll be hittin the town in Balto/DC/Philly!

And Sophie, my sweet, I can’t get the rabble-frazzin-crabbidaby-shnitzlin’ lj site to load for jack lately.

Keep your gloves on, hardygrrl there will be no need for your services here.

Wouldn’t they just? He’s gonna make beautiful babies one of these days. sigh

But yeah, your LJ scares me.

'Cause he won’t pony up the cash for a paid account.

My first thought when I read this was GeoBill and UncleBabe, but what do I know?

Congrats to Geo on the anniversary, and to Bill for a great OP.