Happy Birthday, Hamadryad!

Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday dear Hamy
Happy birthday to you!

I told you I’d do this to you yesterday. You’re how old? 22? :wink:

Congrats, and I’ll see you around.

Happy Birthday, Hammy! I’d hug ya but that’s too close to a flirt…so here’s a hearty handshake with my best wishes :slight_smile:

Happy birthday Hama…I hope you had a good one :)…no cheesy cards or cyber hugs…but you know I mean it :wink:


Happiest of Birthday’s, Hamadryad…

I hope you have the best year of your life!!!


Happy Birthday!

No flirting from me either. Here, have a peanut butter cookie with a Hershey’s Kiss in the middle.

Oh, fer cryin’ out loud…

Thanks, my huge and booming fan club. Yeah, I’m 22, that’s right, yeah…22& 90/10. WOOOOOO.

Geez, and here I thought the next thread started for me would be in the pit… :smiley:

Happy Birthday, Cutie! smooooooch


Twenty-eleven would be the number. Happy birthday, Hamadryad! Glad you could make it to my birthday Dopefest yesterday; it was great to finally meet you. Hope to see you again soon–maybe at Airman Doors’* sendoff party, or almost certainly at one of the Halloween Dopefests.
*AD: Glad to hear you got your car fixed, hope the trip home was uneventful.

Happy birffday, Hama! I must say, you look young for 29.

Or, y’know, 22, even.

(Preview, you bastard, preview!)

Thank you very much…especially since I’m 31.

Tequila: Heaven forbid you should flirt with me. You know I don’t do that kind of stuff. :wink:

Odieman, thanks, I know you mean it. :slight_smile:

(Yes, I use too many smilies. Sue me.)

Scotticher: That would be swell, but I’ve had such a good couple of years (overall) that “better” might kill me. :slight_smile:

Arden: As long as you do as I SAY and not as I DO, and make sure you put the Hershey’s Kisses on the cookies after you bake them. :smiley:

Silver Fire: Awww, thankee so very much. :slight_smile:

Geobabe: Schweet to meet you (and yours) as well…and I definitely plan to try to get up there to send Airman Doors into the wild blue yonder.

Y’all are so cool…sniff…I’m just so…so… sniff…so touched…<grab hankerchief>…HONK

Happy birthday Hama! Here’s lookin’ at you, kid. :slight_smile:

Happy Birthday Hamadryad! You’re already passed the 30 marker so you have many good years before you have to start worrying about the next milestone. Unless you start noticing gray hair (like I did today) and then all bets are off.

Anyhoo, I’m sure you won’t have to worry about those things. Have a great day! :smiley:

Yeah, see, I was going for the whole “say you look young even for the flattering young age given in the OP” thing. Big laffs. But because I have the cognitive acumen of a crack-abusing thalidomyde baby, I fucked it up.

[sub]So, yeah, anyway: happy birthday![/sub]

I can’t think of something that would make a more perfect gag gift than giving Hammy a long cheerful tribute/birthday thread. And I’m just ornery enough to post to it. :slight_smile:

Happy birthday, sweet cheeks!

No, what’s truly sad is that, in a thread for me, started by someone a heck of a lot more friendly and useful than I, almost a quarter of the posts are BY ME.

Man, I gotta post to my OWN birthday thread for a decent reply count…how pathetic is THAT? :smiley:

Thanks, though, CrankyAAOM. And Lux, if I were, say, 40…your joke would have been a lot funnier. :slight_smile:

Ham, Ham, Ham shakes head ruefully, emits long sigh

You’re an amateur, my dear. Here’s the secret: Of course you’re going to post to a tribute/nice thread. The trick is to wait and post your grateful responses when the thread has fallen to the second page. It’s an automatic bump so you kill two birds with one stone! And no one knows you’re making the pathetic bump in hopes of attracting more notice and more responses, because it just looks like you’re being a friendly Doper who just now got around to thanking people!

There there, honey, no need to look so shamefaced. You’re just not narcissistic enough to have figured out this stuff for yourself. Nothing to be embarrassed about.

Happy birthday to the only pit poster who will make me open a thread just by having her name as the last poster to it.