I Am *So* Going To Get My Ass Flamed For This.

Happy Birthday to me.
Happy Birthday to me.
Happy Birthday dear John,
Happy Birthday to me.
How desperate for attention is it to announce one’s birthday in the Pit? We’ll soon find out.

BTW, I’m 28. Woo-hoo.

Congratultations, freshly felched semenbreath :smiley:

Well, I for one, won’t flame you. Happy Birthday :slight_smile:

Zev Steinhardt

And FUCK YOU, John Desperado, for making me misspell “Goncradulacions”!

Happy birthday.


May the peanut butter you put on your pindick to attract unwitting fellatio from the small creatures of the forest be smooth rather than chunky.

And Happy B-day.

Hey, Warmash, I had nothing to do with you misspelling “Dongraclatutions.” It must be the ghost of WallyM7 inhabiting your keyboard, trying to make you look like a putz.
Or it’s the twenty-three Amstel Lights you’ve had in the last half-hour.

Happy Birthday you self attention seeking poor excuse for a dickwad. And may you have many more!

Amstel Light?? Hoo Boy, you ARE looking to get flamed eh?

Happy goddam birthday, putz.

Happy fucking birthday you felching hemmorhoid on a goats ass!

enjoy it! :smiley:

Well if it isn’t Toilet Clogarino wishing his own sorry ass a happy birthday in the 'Pit. Sheesh.

Oh alright. I won’t give you shit. Apparently you’re full of enough of that yourself arleady.

Happy Birthday, dude.

And I have it on good authority that Wally thinks you’re a putz for posting this thread, too.


This is just pathetic. It doesn’t belong in the Pit, you felcher-felching felcher!

(Now if you had posted it in “Comments on Cecil’s Columns” and peripherally related it to the “Happy Birthday” copyright column, that would be a more appropriate desperate cry for attention, you cockle warming scrotum licker!

PS- Haaaaappy Biiiirrthday tooooo yoooooouuuuu…

fuck you. this is susposed to be a place where we conplain about things…oh, maybe you are conplaining. well, happy birthday anyway.

How pAthetic was the oP? Please, trY to Be a lIttle moRe subTle, scHmuck, anD A little less whinY!!


Muttonchops like that, and you’re YOUNGER than I am? I think Eric Cartman put it best when he said, “Eat penguin shit, you ass spelunker!”

Oh, and happy birthday.

You are only 28? Sheesh, I thought you were much older than that. :smiley:

Happy Birthday!

May this year be your finest, you straw-toting goat-feltching dick-fuck. :smiley:

Yeah, really, aenea…can you imagine what he’s gonna look like at FORTY? {shudder}

Many happy returns of the day, John-O.

Jesus H. Christ, what a plea for attention. At least my birthday thread from yesterday was in MPSIMS. But noooo, you have to post in the Pit, a forum with lower turnover, so that you can bask in the artificial glare just a bit longer.

Happy birthday, fellow Cancer putz.