Happy December, everyone!

I just wanted to say to everyone a few things.

Firstly, you’ve made it through most of the year. It’s the home stretch. I hope you’re enjoying the colder weather (for those in the Northern Hemisphere, which I’ll assume most of y’all are).

Secondly, don’t do anything stupid outside. You wouldn’t want to end up like this guy → :eek: Caught outside without proper winter gear on. Poor fellow, he looks cold. For those down south, go for this look → :cool: He’s tanned and has shades on. That’s where I’d like to be right about now.


Thank you, from the summery southern hemisphere. :slight_smile:

Chuck us another beer will ya, Wolfie?

Gaah. I saw the word “December” and had a bad post-traumatic stress flashback. Thank heavens it was only a reference to the month and not the poster.

As for the weather, well…I’m in England. It’s pretty much crap here no matter what time of year.

I started this exact same thread, but nobody posted.

Oh well. Happy December!

Whooo hoooo!!

It’s my birthday this month!!!

Another year of growing up… :frowning: