Happy Diwali!

Light a candle. Eat some vindaloo. Decorate yourself with some henna.

Thanks to a couple of friends for pointing out this excellent holiday to me.

Thanks! Maybe I will!

Go for it!

Even though today is a day for collective birthday celebrations, I set this as my desktop wallpaper today. It makes an excellent birthday candle.

Yep, there are assorted sweet and/or spicy treats about the office today from our colleagues from offshore. I’ve restricted myself to a couple of very small pieces of tikha para, what with that whole weight-loss thing I’ve been talking about lately.

That sounds yummy! We have only one Indian in the office, and he’s not in today.

Wishing a safe and happy holiday to all who will be celebrating Diwali this year.

Funny, I needed to hit the Indian grocer this weekend. I should take a small gift to my darling friend there. Perhaps a copy of the gorgeous photo my father took when he was in India of people bathing in the Ganges.

In the glooms of a Toronto November, light is welcome. Thanks! :slight_smile:

I have several candles that I never light.

I recently got a mix CD of Punjabi hip hop that I haven’t had time to listen to all the way through. (Thanks, Anaamika!)

I’m out of food and need to go grocery shopping tonight.

I have a whole collection of curry powders that I have no idea what to do with.

What to do, what to do?

Any Indian Dopers celebrating?

At least one.

What will you be doing?

What with this and the 5th, there’s always plenty of fireworks going off at this time of year. Good time to have a big window.

I’m not Indian, but see post #9.

I think Anaamika will be celebrating, though.

We discovered Divali one year in a small town in central Nepal. It was in October that year. Very beautiful.

I’d say send me the curry powders, but then I wouldn’t have an excuse to go see Shubha! One of my favourite curry recipes that I do for my daughter to take for lunches is super easy – 1 can of crab c meat (claw is best, but whatever), drained, add 1 tablespoon of low-fat mayo and 1 tablespoon of your favorite curry powder. Mix well, serve on flat bread or well-toasted wheat. YUM!

Wow I had no idea! What a cool holiday! I’ll have to eat Indian food tonight.

Michael Scott Celebrates Diwali

I’m making chicken tikka masala for dinner tonight. It’s mild enough that the kids will like it.

We’ll have to go out for it on Sunday.