Happy May Day!

Well, at least the image is not of huge military equipment and soldiers marching through Red Square.

Happy May Day!

Rabbit, rabbit, rabbit.

Hooray, hooray, it’s the First of May, outdoor fucking begins today! :grin:

Rabbit, run; Rabbit redux; Rabbit has too many sequels.

I know this guy on Facebook who always posts “rabbit, rabbit” around the first of the month. What is up wih that?

The first of the month, having your first spoken words be “rabbit, rabbit, rabbit” is supposed to bring good luck or something. When I awoke this morning I quickly said it out loud and my gf joined in.

ETA: it has always worked IME!

I was thinking more of a plane on fire plummeting towards Earth.

Tough to be correct about it, I think that would be Happy Mayday, mayday, maday…or would it be Happy mayday, happy mayday, happy mayday?

You could take a maypoll?