Happy, Merry MMP

I’m glad that Pixel is improving sunny. :skritches::

unknown, we have a non-profit craft thrift store here, Smart Art that I both buy from and donate to. You may check if you have something like that local (who am I kidding? You’re a crafter, you would know if you did. :stuck_out_tongue: )

My mom (around 5’2" at her peak) used to tell us kids that we would never be too big for her to whip, even if she had to stand on a chair to do it.

My mom came from a family of 14. Her oldest sister was having children when my grandmother was having her last four. My youngest uncle had four nieces and nephews when he was born.

I worked a couple of hours on the paying gig in the studio this morning whilst talking on the phone with Sis in Houston. After, I got sheveled and went out to pick up a few things, including the rest of the Xmas shopping for stocking stuffers (my contribution to the gathering). I did order Christmas gifts for Nelson, Sis’ dogs and the neighbor dogs from Chewy. Toys and treats all around plus a new coat for Nelson and new ID tags for Sis’ bunch.

Got a stoner supper and filled up the tank on the way home. Now, I’ll begin to address holiday cards for mailing this week.

Evening all. Nappage turned into sleepage and I was out for about 2 hours this afternoon so bedtime will probably be late tonight. Dinner has been assimilated, so outside of internettin’ and readin’, nothing much on the agenda. Day got up to 70F again, so the heater got minimal work to do, which suits my gas bill just fine.

Sunny, skritches to Pixel, hope he continues to do better.

Flyboy. :astonished: :astonished: :astonished:

Oopsie, glad you’re feeling better and have canine company back again.

OK, onward into the night. Managed not to watch any college tackleball so far today, will try to keep that record going tonight (tomorrow I will spend 5 hours watching NFL tackleball…). Take care all.

Mrs. L.A. is having raspberry vodka & soda, and I’m having ginnintonics. Getting a little weepy reminiscing about Tonka and Creamsicle.

Baked sweet N.O.T. with copious cheese (and even some bacon!) was yum. But { whine } I’m still hungry!!

This rarely happens, and I don’t quite know what to do about it. What the { bleeep } else do I wanna eat?!?

Ah, jeez. Just when I was starting to fool myself into thinking I was vaguely on top of shit.

Patty melts for dinner; grilled onions, Swiss cheese, and thousand island dressing. On sourdough for The Missus, and low-carb multi-gran for me.

Note to self: a trip to the store for wrapping paper requires the Santa (aka babushka) cart. It was raining, so I tied a nylon shopping bag over the ends and hoisted both rolls over my shoulder, which made me feel like I was in the Christmas Artillery.

sunny, so glad Pixel is home and snacking. What a sweetheart.

unknown, it may be a long shot, but my school’s Student Council used to host a gift shopping event for little kids. They had donated items that kids could buy for 5 or 10¢ to give Mom, Dad, Gramma, etc. for Christmas. I wonder if the high school by you does that. Glad you made enough $ to pay your table fee.

oopsie, sounds like you’re doing GREAT! Yay on getting mushy food in the near future.

More protein, maybe?

{{{{{flyboy}}}}} You had some sweet kitties.

Outside, it’s 40º American. Inside…

They were the best. :cry:

Speaking of kitties… I opened the middle bedroom door to the living room. Abbey came out and jumped up onto the couch, then ip to the lower shelf, then… Goo was on the upper shelf. Hissing and swatting ensued. But it’s a good thing. Abbey came out. Goo is roasting by the fire, and Abbey now has the top shelf (after I took Goo down).

I was only a little sore today. good thing because i worked

  • Midnight
  • First sort
  • Second sort
  • Third Sort(Where the hell are these bags coming from?)
    I and 4 of my co workers ended up working 15 hour shifts. Which considering I’m working less, earing more, and have better insurance than some of the retail management jobs, I’m cool with.

[Military History Geek].55 Boys round? Sweet![/Military History Geek]
[Punster]“The round was lodged in his rectum.” "Rectum? Damn near killed him![/Punster]
And ((((hugs)))) about the kitties.

Good that you are healing, Ooppsie.

Well, it’s not like you want to have a life or anything… :open_mouth: Do NOT overdo it! I’m not kidding! I’m giving you The Look!!!

Roxy went to see Santa yesterday - it was a freebie day at the Marine Museum. She told him she wanted a fish. Actually she wanted to go see the fish rather than sit on the knee of some weird dude in red! :rofl: So she got her candy cane and they moved on.

For the record, my morning Diet Coke had no fizz. That does not bode well! It’s weird what a difference a little fizz makes.

We will fix the gate today. Probably not much else. And not sure when - FCD was up much of the night. I’ll let him sleep as long as he needs to. Poor baby.

And he may well and truly be retired. He finished his last project report and apart from being copied on a couple of emails that he’s letting his former coworker handle, he hasn’t been contacted. I know he’s got mixed feelings. I also expect they’ll call next time they need thermal analysis. We shall see…

Meanwhile, it’s still dark, the critters have been tended, and my day has begun. Happy Sunday!!

Good Mornin’ Y’all! Up and caffeinatin’. YAWN ‘Tis 48 Amurrkin out with a DENSE FOG ADVISORY until ten a.m., and with a predicted high of 76 and partly N.O.S. for the day. The big item on today’s agenda is deheathenization, followed by Sunday brunch (got the bbq pig all ready for heatin’ and eatin’), followed by my next to last Vestry meetin’. So a loooooong time over to the church house. After that I foresee nappage and much sloth.

Now I need more caffeine and to feed rumbly tummy. Then purtification for deheathenization must commence.

Happy Sunday Y’all!

Yay on the recuperation and getting the pupper back home oopsie.

shoe, with all of the other stuff that I have to do before heading to Texas for the holidays, the cards are the easiest to do ahead of time.

Up, caffeinating, breakfasted and fixing to do Sunday chores before getting back to the cards. Otherwise ham, baked sweet potatoes, green beans and cornbread for supper and sloth.

Stay safe and healthy y’all!

Up, caffeinated, and sheveled. Off today. I have very clingy cat on my lap this morning.

I don’t do it every day. I know I’m not 49 anymore. :wink:

Morning all. Paper was rescued from a foggy morning, but has pretty much disappeared now. Another day near 70F, but the Weather Wizards are saying a 99% chance of rain tomorrow, so best be about things today. Outback is on the list for Sunday Dinner, so I need to clean myself up properly for visiting such an august establishment.

OK, need to start the dishwasher and warm up the house some prior to bathing, so all y’all take care.

Good morning everyone.

It’s currently 35 degrees and raining. It’s snowing in the mountains and there are travel advisories on the passes. I am glad I do not have to travel over any of the passes. I was originally going to have to go to Wenatchee, but thank God that didn’t happen.

I’m glad there is continued improvement with Pixel, sunny!.

Doggio, I’m hopping on FCM’s bandwagon. Do not overdo it.

Well, I went to Joann’s yesterday with the idea that I would pick up some of my daughter’s Christmas presents (crafting supplies). Good Lord! It was insanity in there. I came out with only some stuff I need for the background for my village and some seasonal table linens. I was really disappointed. The line to check out was incredibly long. After that, I went to Safeway to pick up some stuff, and finally to Mud Bay for some doggie ice cream. Polar was appropriately rewarded having to go TWO WHOLE DAYS without any.

I had originally planned on going to the office tomorrow but realized I have the all-day-long mediation thing going on with the union and need to be able to concentrate on that. Looks like I’ll have to go to the office on Tuesday.

I don’t have many plans for today; some online shopping, chores, and then Sunday Night Trash TV. I watch what I call trash TV, but now can’t pull away from these people on TLC, lol! I have internal contests to see which of the characters say the douchiest things, or just facepalm at some of the cringe-worthy stuff on there. Also, there are a couple of the people on one of the shows who I genuinely like and am rooting for. Most, however, make me figuratively bang my head on the wall. There now you all know my guilty secret.

Time for another cup of coffee!

Outside: gray, a “balmy” 32 F, and the oracles predict with absolute certainty that freezing rain/sleet/snow is imminent.

Inside: cluttered, somewhat warmer, and full of cats with cabin fever.

I shut off the heat for a bit and let them out anyway, mostly to satisfy their question: “But whyyyyyyyy? { pose of feline woe while mashed up against the door } Whyyy can’t I go ouuuuuuuuuut?!?11!?”

They spent .03 seconds out of doors before deciding that kibble in the warm indoors was a better idea.

Now Monks is getting some quality “chase the laser” time - mostly as a favor to Niks - so he can burn off some energy.
I better figure out what kind of battery this thing uses. If it’s unavailable for any length of time this winter … hoooo, boy!

In antici … - … pation of the imminent sleet, I’ve gone ahead and rolled the big bin out to the curb already, so’s I don’t hafta once it’s less hospitable out.

I also tossed more peanuts out for the local birdies and squirrels. I hope they find it before everything gets soggy!
Was about to refer to them as “freeloaders” but I genuinely enjoy watching them & listening to their chatter, so you know what? Nah. Just local wildlife, that’s all.

Now I’m tossing treats for the cats. Gives Monks something to chase, and de-grumpifies Nikki.

32 and foggy here. Snow expected overnight and tomorrow, but is not expected to stick around.

Last night it was 40º outside. Inside was like this. The top of the stove was still hot this morning, and the fan kicked on once since I got up (at 05:30).

Happy Sunday!

The sun is shining and it’s up to 41 degrees.
No park this morning, partly because I don’t feel well, and partly because of the drama.
The drama is probably part of why I don’t feel well.
I keep waiting for the explosion.
The thing is, if I don’t go, then Barky doesn’t go. So, there is no way for me to avoid the explosion, because it won’t happen when I’m not there.

I wish Barky owner would allow everybody to help with the issue. I was so appreciative when everybody joined forces to get Echo under control. They are the type to get offended if anybody says anything, and because Barky is a rescue that came from an abusive situation, they have a tendency to be over protective and defensive.

Ripple is already driving me nuts because we didn’t go this morning.

Today I have to start on all the boxes in the living room. Not very much has been unpacked and put away.
I have to figure out what to do with Mike the Palm. He is looking horrible and I’ve noticed little ‘spider’ webs all over him since he has come indoors. If it gets up into the 60s as expected, I’ll take him outside for a good soaking and trimming and de-webbing. I need to look that up and see if he needs some kind of insecticide or something. Yep, it looks like spider mites and he needs a good shower.

I’m glad you’re feeling better Oopsie, and that you have your baby back.

My son is half your age Doggio, and the 12-hour shifts kill him.

On the good news side, my friend heard from my son’s supervisor that my son has made a little friend group that he talks with. I appreciate that management knows how shy he is and are pulling for him to make some friends and get out of it. He has to learn to speak up more and let them know when he has a problem of some kind. It seems like they really care about their employees as individuals where he irks, and that is nice.

Last gift should be delivered to my mother’s today, so I can cross all of that off my list.

Runnage has been achieved. The Bean (aka overlygirl) was also in attendance though we hung back until the crowd thinned out, then picked up speed after the crowd of runners and walkers opened up. Only a handful of people wore masks in the chute, so I’m glad we had em and stayed back. Everyone seems to be happy and feel relatively accomplished. Time to slob around. Nappage will be required today.

I am now 2/3 of the way done with my Christmas shopping! Woot!

(About five years ago, my dad and brother and I agreed to stop getting obligatory Christmas/birthday gifts for each other. It has made things soooo much easier, and our get-togethers are more enjoyable. These days I only shop for my two best friends [a married couple] and their son.)

My 20-year-old “nephew” is getting a Lego Creator Expert James Bond Aston Martin DB5 kit (he’s big into complicated Lego sets and his folks told me he’d been asking about this one), and a third-party light kit for the assembled car. I plan to hide the car package and give him the light kit first. :smiley:

His father, BFF#2, is getting The Story of Marvel Studios: The Making of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. It’s a 510-page, 10-pound, deluxe two-volume, foil-stamped cloth hardcover set. It was released about two months ago, and I confirmed with his wife that he hasn’t bought it for himself. It’s hard to say who will be more excited about their gift, him or his son. :slight_smile:

Still left is BFF #1 (the mom/wife). She’s into beading/jewelry-making and I’ve ordered a “tips and tricks” book for her, but her main present is still TBD. I have an idea, though: she loves chocolate, but a year or two ago she became lactose-intolerant and I would really like to get her some high-quality, dairy-free chocolate candy. There are lots of options out there, and lots of “best dairy-free chocolate” lists online, but I’m wondering if anyone has direct experience and/or a personal recommendation…? Cost is not a factor, but it must be able to be delivered to me in the next 2.5 weeks. Some promising-sounding options I found on Amazon either don’t ship until after Christmas, or are currently out of stock. In addition to asking y’all, I’m planning to start a Cafe Society thread (even though I know I’ll wind up with one or two smart alecks who just do a Google search {sigh}).

Did I just spy, with my lil’ eye, a few white flakes already drifting down? :snowflake:

That’s fantastic!

I used to be a lot like your son. My only advice is, “become a middle-aged woman, you won’t have any shits left to give,” but he might find that less than helpful.

The fact that his employer has his back is … I don’t wanna say “too good to be true” since I don’t know the details (and may be a touch cynical) so I’ll just go with “cautiously optimistic.”

Re: the bolded part. The only thing that worked for me was learning by example.
I saw people go up & talk to mngmt. in a friendly, non-confrontational way and get what they want. I also saw people cringe, internalize, and eventually self-destruct over (sometimes perceived, not real) petty slights.
… I may have also been part of the latter group.

Eventually I came to accept that the latter method doesn’t get you anywhere, reinforced by being the receiving end of the behavior once or twice.
I was like, “Girl, sack UP!” and promptly realized how badly I had to take my own advice.