Happy, Merry MMP


Drove down to Bellingham sometime after noon. Whatever Cash & Carry is called now for bacon, American cheese, and orgeat (almond syrup); then to Fred Meyer’s for groceries; then to BevMo! for Bacardi white rum, Meyer’s dark rum, and orange curaçao. But I had to pass La Gloria on the way, so I stopped for a pound of chicharrones con carne. (NB: I did not arrive home with a full pound of chicharrones con carne.) Stopped at the Lummi gas station for fuel.

First thing when I got home: Urinate. After washing my hands, I parcelled out the bacon (packets of three portions of four rashers) and the American cheese (three blocks of slices). Time to cook dinner! I was going to make pesto butter for the salmon I bought at FM’s, but it came with butter, lemon slices, and fresh rosemary sprigs. So I cooked it that way. I snapped the ends off some asparagus and put those on after the fish had been cooking a while. In the meantime, I took out the trash and the recycling, and put the washed sheets and blanket on the bed.

17:30 now, and I can finally relax.

Howdy Y’all! We deheathenated had a feast fit for Kings and Queens at first Sunday brunch (seriously good, and a serious amount of food!), then I attended a marathon Vestry meetin’. One more to go and then the annual meetin’ two weeks after that and I am Vestry free! I got back to da cave and achieved nappage. Then I made pimento cheese cause, well, pimento cheese. Also, the biiiiiiig trash can has been hauled all the way down to the road for pickup tomorrow. Thus has Sunday been in swampland.



I just finished a nice little weekend nap. I will probably have popcorn for dinner, but I haven’t made up my mind yet.

who sells Arthur the shrubbery for The Knights Who Say “Ni!”

I’m a very amateur cheese maker. I have a sticker on my cheese fridge that says “Blessed are the cheese makers”. None of my friends have ever recognized the reference despite being my friends. I always assumed that they were just as geeky as me, but it seems I was wrong. As usual when it comes to assumptions.

I’m going to finish my house tonight. As usual with a store bought kit, I’ve run out of one color and have a buttload of another color. For the most part, I’ve been loving this project because the instructions were so clear and the colors and textures were so much fun.

VBC is seeming to be feeling better. Her eyes aren’t goopy and her ear looks much better. Too bad, so sad, she’s still going to go get her temperature took. She’s been a supersized girl even before she moved in, so we want to get her blood work done. We’ve had a diabetic cat in the past and know that the secret to keeping one alive and healthy is early detection and treatment.

Yes, I know the better treatment would have been to put her on a diet for the rest of her life. That would have been a problem with the other cats and we have cats because we love them and enjoy spoiling them. Some cats that end up on the streets have never had a hungry moment until they got tossed out to live on their own. Most of the strays who are lucky enough to find another home adjust quite nicely. Some of them never learn that they will have food tomorrow so they eat for tomorrow. We aren’t willing to make a cat live wanting food all the time just to have a couple more years. That’s not love.

Bet they support The Judean People’s Front, too. :roll_eyes:

Lost. Can’t find the new MMP. SOMEONE PLEASE LINK.

Come back, we miss you!!!