Happy New Bitchfest!

How come the pharmacy didnt pull up the Medication Allergy Alert while taking the Rx (assuming the Rx was called in)? You could call the answering service for the doctor and see if you can reach the on-call doctor covering the group to fix the problem maybe.

Also, when I was in hospital, even tho the hospital has a WhoopDeeDoo fancy exxy computer program in place for the doctors to consult while prescribing meds, I was sent home on the wrong dose of a new med. So if the doctor doesnt use it, what the fuck good is it? eta: then when I went into the doctor’s office the next day for followup, AGAIN was given the wrong dose of a med, but this time I was expecting it and didnt leave without it being corrected. It really helps to have a person who is savvy about medical things with you when you go to Dr office or in hospital to watch for these things. esp if you’re too sick to be hyper-aware yourself!

That takes cash i don’t have, and a passport another thing I need, but if i had those and enough time off work --I could at least go see Hunters and Collectors and Bruce Springsteen play together at their upcoming concert.

I would totally box up my precipitation, and send it fom Indiana to California buh the postage will cost a fortune.

What’s with all these gas cans that are so damned hard to open? Does anybody know where I can get a one gallon can that I can open without breaking my fucking fingers?

I think I’ve just locked myself out of my work account. :mad: I’m not sure if the guy who can unlock it will be there tomorrow. Plus, it’s a small company…I’ll never hear the end of this.

We really do. We need tons of rain in the next few months. I’ve never seen Folsom Lake so low. It’s pretty scary.

I have to go to the store - we’re out of cat food and I would like to live.
It’s 0f outside.
Technically, I could go early in the morning…
When it will be -10f.
Okay, that’s more of a whine than a rant. Still don’t want to go.

It’s been the driest calendar year in San Francisco since they started keeping records in, I believe, 1849. Under 5 inches.

If we don’t get plenty of rain this winter, it’s going to be ugly next year.

There must be something in the house the cats could eat. Besides you, I mean.

I suggested Cap’n Crunch, got a haughty sniff in reply. Same response to oatmeal and ravioli. I have burger, but one will not eat beef at all.

I sucked it up and ran to the store. I think I was the only customer there. Very weird.

Ugh. Sorry I couldn’t pick yours up while I was restocking for the Princess (I do relate to that “I would like to live” part :D). Pleasant surprise that the Petco along my route to/from other errands was open. Not so pleasant surprise that the cat section was apparently designed by someone on serious drugs. How much sense does it not make to file cat litter in parts of five different aisles?

Will be making the kitty food run Saturday morning. Got about enough to last until then.

Turning the clock back to get up at 5am again for the next month. God I hate getting up that early. What makes it extra worse is that it’s fucking cold out and in the cold and dark of the early morning, people drive like idiots. You’d swear they were driving in dense fog in a crowded parking lot. 10-15 mph on the speed limit 45 road I have to drive part way to the transit station on. In both lanes. I’ve been flipped off and had lights flashed at me for passing people at all of 30mph.

Dear society,
Stop dissing the clothes I wear. It’s fucking cold out and I’ll wear whatever’s warm.
Besides…it’s too cold to go outside. So people aren’t going to see me… :slight_smile:

Sorry you and your loved ones are going through this. As someone who’s short term memory is going to hell, you have my condolences.

There has been several nasty bugs going around my job. There is roughly 400 of us working in the same building, all in close quarters. We’re all low paid wage slaves.($8.50/hour, no full time to avoid benefits.) Since we all make so little and have no health insurance, a lot of us are coming in to work sick, spreading germs. This really pisses me off, as I have been sick more in the last month than I was the 3 previous years combined.

We’ve got strep, flu, a stomach bug, and bronchitis going around. At the rate things are going, I wouldn’t be surprised to see MRSA or scarlet fever showing up.

I agree on wearing whatever will keep you warm. During an ill-fated bachelorette party for my friend, I wore a sweater while at a beach in Florida, and my friend’s maid of honor couldn’t seem to shut the fuck up about it, even during the rest of the weekend. I don’t know what she does when she gets cold, but I put on another layer. Sure, it’s possible that I looked weird or out of place, but anyone who didn’t like it could fuck off as far as I’m concerned.

My own gripe: Ever since I ran outside last Saturday in 47 F degree weather, the big toe on my right foot turns white and numb if I walk even short distances. My husband and I went out today in part to look for boots and warm socks for me. The boots may or may not have worked, since the problem already started long before we got to the shoe store. The car wouldn’t start after we left the last store, and we had to have it towed, so that was more time outside. My toe didn’t warm up and look normal until we got home and I took a nice, hot shower. I’m strangely calm about the car problem, possibly because we don’t know how much it will cost to fix it yet.

Yep, same up here. Driest in recorded history. I’m not looking forward to 90° - 100° temps this summer and water shortages.

We should start a “Dopers Losing It” Support Group. Although my plan is to be so centered and laid-back about the whole thing that I’ll be happy… it’ll be my family that’s being driven crazy by my memory/cognition issues.

Before you give up in despair be sure she has a good place to scratch that she likes. Most cats have a preference and if you don’t give them what they want they make do. Maybe she’d like a flat scratching pad; they make some out of cardboard which are a little messy but saves the carpet. Maybe she’d like a tall pole covered with sisal rope. If possible try a bunch of different things. I had one cat who would NOT leave my chair alone. I was ready to cry. Then someone suggested I wrap part of the cat tree (covered with carpet, which he was ignoring) with sisal rope. It was amazing. He came over and started scratching on it as it was being wrapped. I then put sticky tape on the chair, and he scratched the post and not the chair from then on.

Long winded way to say try some other choices for Maggie to scratch on. Also, sticky tape is a pretty good repellant, as is aluminum foil. Good luck!


She has two cat trees, one of which has a pole covered with the rope (that she won’t scratch) and a wooden ‘staff’ with the bark still on that she likes ripping on. I bought her one of the cardboard scratchers, but she only uses it like once a week.

The carpet spots (note plural) are in the corners and along the edges in front of three different closets. Sorry cat, not leaving all three open for you and I don’t appreciate the show of anger or whatever about them being closed.

Mom just called to tell me that a resident of the neighborhood stopped her while she was walking this morning. As I mentioned in a previous rant thread, Mom carries a baseball bat when she walks due to an aggressive dog problem in the neighborhood. This neighbor proceeded to tell Mom that she shouldn’t carry a bat for protection – all she needs is Jesus.

For some reason, Mom didn’t find that as funny as I did (she hates being interrupted on her walks, unless a good friend wants to chat).