I went over to the synagogue and picked up our hamantaschen at lunchtime today. We’ll be having Indian food for dinner after the Megillah reading at our synagogue tomorrow night.
With all the snow, it’s hard to believe that Passover is only a month away.
Is it inappropriate to make Hamentaschen if you’re not Jewish? I know, no one cares what I do in my own kitchen, but is it cringe-worthy cultural appropriation? Because I’ve been hearing about them constantly this year and I really want to make some.
Purim sameach, everyone! I’m eschewing my synagogue’s big service tonight for a “hip hop megillah” party some friends are putting on, which will be either really good fun or really horrible (but should be memorable either way). My hamentaschen are sitting on the stove now…I think they’re saying, “Eat another one!”
Update: The food at the seuda was from that region of Persia known as “China”. Silly me, thinking that a Persian feast for a Persian holiday would feature Persian food.
I love Purim. And I made hamentaschen for the first time ever as an adult (I used to help my mother, but she hasn’t made them since I was in my early teens), and they came out great - both good looking and tasty.
Ooh, I missed getting to this thread on time… :o Anyway, this year, what with school parties, and the weekend, and a lot!!! of rain… seems like everyone has been celebrating Purim on-and-off since last Wednesday and until today (officially in J’lem (and other really ancient cities), it’s one day later).
Hag Sameach to those still [del]drinking[/del] celebrating!