Happy Saskatchewan Day!

in which Piper engages in the traditional heritage activity of browsing the Dope, just like Great-Grandad Piper did in the sod hut on the home quarter.

Sadly, Mrs Piper is hinting that Piper should engage in less traditional activities, such as the laundry.

Apparently here in Burlington, it’s Joseph Brant Day.

…and it’s BC Day here!

Sun is shining, birds are singing, sky is blue, and here am I, bathed in the soft glow of the LCD screen… however, I will hie myself out to the garden shortly.

My Saskatchewan Day activity is attempting to calculate how many more serious injuries the Riders can sustain before they have to start Gainer.

And in Toronto, we say Happy Simcoe Day!!!

Happy Heritage Day!

Indeed. I’ve started a thread on it: It ain’t easy being Green - even when the Roughriders are 6-0…

New Brunswick Day here - unfortunately it falls on a scheduled off day for me, so it doesn’t feel like a ‘holiday’ except that I can’t go buy beer. Oh well, a day off is a day off, I’ll take it.

Happy <insert respective Provincial holiday here> to everyone!

Happy my mum’s birthday?

I’d actually been wondering where your 'Rider threads were. Now I find out they are hiding in The Game Room!

I’m spending my Saskatchewan Day as the last of my five day weekend, alas, because then it’s back to work tomorrow.

What’s the traditional drink to celebrate Saskatchewan Day?

Don’t get too excited–it’s not really a holiday in Alberta. From the Alberta Employment Standards Code, R.S.A. 2000, c. E-9, s. 25:

Yep, Alberta remains one of the few provinces that doesn’t designate the first Monday in August as an official holiday. Not that most Albertans and Alberta employers call it a holiday anyway, which is allowed. From Alberta Employment and Immigration:

The factory I worked is one that decided not to choose to recognize Alberta Heritage Day–it is operating today, because it’s not an official holiday.

I hate to be the bearer of depressing news, fellow Albertans, but in the name of fighting ignorance, this had to be cleared up.

Questions from an American:
–The calendars say today (Aug. 4) is called Civic Holiday in Canada. Is that what it’s actually called in everyday life? Is there a generic name for it over the whole country?
–What actually does Civic Holiday celebrate?

Civic Holiday is the generic term, but see also “August Long”. Mostly it commemorates that last trip to the cabin (or cottage if you’re Ontarian) for the season.

Um usually the last trip to the cottage is the thanksgiving weekend, at least from what I have seen on the 400 when I go home on LW’s


Regina juice?

Civic holiday, or usually “the August long weekend” is pretty much what we call it.

We’re an imaginative bunch here.

Perhaps a Saskatoon Berry Smootie: saskatoonberry.com - saskatoonberry Resources and Information.

“Civic holiday” seems to be an appropriate name.

I spent this morning cutting the grass with a riding mower. While I was at it, I cut a swath out of my neighbour’s as well, so that my other neighbour and I can park our trailers while our freshly paved driveway cures. At lunch time, the neighbour whose grass I cut rolled up on his riding mower, somewhat under the influence, looking for my other neighbour. I called out to him, but he had trouble spotting me because I was up on a deck behind a tree. After a few rounds of “where are you?”, I told him that I was in the top of the tree, so he spent a few minutes staring up into the treetop looking for me before he clued in. Then he joined me on my deck, where he played with my cat for a while before he rolled off home on his riding mower.

I think “Civic holiday” pretty much fits that sort of a day. At least I can’t come up with any better name for it.

The August Long Weekend is pretty much what we call it. Looking at my calendar, it’s official name is “Civic Holiday.” At least they haven’t called it Trudeau Day yet. :smiley:

We spent it in Creston, BC, and have a fridge full of fruit that was on a tree earlier this weekend. Yeah, baby.