Harry Potter Feud by winterhawk11 [closed]


Try to think of the most popular answer, to get the most people matching you. Scoring - Any answer duplicated by anyone else is worth 100 points divided by the number of entrants. For example: 50 entrant game = 2 pts per answer. If 4 people match that means they each get 8 pts for that answer. No matches = 0 points.


Write your answers like this; Do not repeat the questions, no periods at the end of answers, no spaces between lines, no comments, no fancy list coding. If you need to comment or clarify your answers, do it AFTER the list of answers. Thanks.

1. answer
2. response
3. rejoinder

The game will end either when we have 50 entrants, or at 5:00 PM Pacific on Friday, 8/1/08 whichever comes first. Thanks to Dolores Reborn for sending me her scoring spreadsheet–hopefully I can figure it out in a timely manner and get this scored! :slight_smile:

Good luck!
In honor of Harry Potter’s birthday today, here’s a Feud to test your knowledge of the Harry Potter books!

  1. Name one of Harry Potter’s friends other than Ron or Hermione.
  2. Other than Ron, name a Weasley.
  3. Name a type of wizarding sweet/candy.
  4. Name one of Voldemort’s supporters.
  5. Other than Hermione, name a girl Hogwarts student.
  6. Name a Hogwarts teacher.
  7. Name a magic spell in Harry Potter’s world.
  8. If you went to Hogwarts, what kind of pet would you take?
  9. If you went to Hogwarts, which house would you be Sorted to?
  10. Name a location in the Harry Potter books other than Hogwarts.

Good luck!

  1. Neville
  2. Fred
  3. Bertie Bott’s Every Flavor Beans
  4. Lucius Malfoy
  5. Lavender Brown
  6. Snape
  7. Avada Kedavra
  8. Cat
  9. Gryffindor
  10. The Burrow
  1. Neville Longbottom
  2. Ginny
  3. Every Flavor Beans
  4. Lucius Malfoy
  5. Cho
  6. Snape
  7. Avada Kedavra
  8. Owl
  9. Ravenclaw
  10. Privet Drive
  1. Neville
  2. Ginny
  3. Chocolate Frogs
  4. Lucius Malfoy
  5. Luna Lovegood
  6. Snape
  7. Alohomora
  8. Cat
  9. Ravenclaw
  10. Hogsmeade
  1. Neville
  2. Ginny
  3. Butterbeer
  4. Lucius
  5. Cho Chang
  6. Snape
  7. Expecto Patronum
  8. Owl
  9. Ravenclaw
  10. Diagon Alley
  1. Neville
  2. Ginny
  3. Chocolate Frogs
  4. Lucius Malfoy
  5. Cho Chang
  6. McGonagall
  7. Avada Kedavra(the Killing Curse)
  8. Owl
  9. Ravenclaw
  10. Number Four, Privet Drive
  1. Neville
  2. Ginny
  3. Every Flavor Beans
  4. Lucius Malfoy
  5. Luna Lovegood
  6. Professor McGonagall
  7. Aveda Kedavra
  8. Owl
  9. Ravenclaw
  10. Diagon Alley
  1. Dean Thomas
  2. Ginny Weasley
  3. Bertie Bott’s every flavour bean
  4. Lucius Malfoy
  5. Luna Lovegood
  6. Professor Snape
  7. Expelliarmus
  8. A cat
  9. Ravenclaw
  10. Gringott’s Bank
  1. Neville
  2. Ginny
  3. Every flavour beans
  4. Lucious Malfoy
  5. Ginny Weasley
  6. Snape
  7. The Cruciatus Curse
  8. Owl
  9. Hufflepuff
  10. Diagon alley
  1. Neville
  2. Ginny
  3. Berti Bots every flavor beans
  4. Malfoy (dad)
  5. Cho (token asian girl)
  6. MacGonagal
  7. avera kadavra
  8. Cat
  9. Gryffendor
  10. The Dursleys home

I think I misspelled every reply.

  1. Neville Longbottom
  2. Ginny
  3. Chocolate Frogs
  4. Lucius Malfoy
  5. Cho Chang
  6. Severus Snape
  7. Expelliarmus
  8. Owl
  9. Ravenclaw
  10. Hogsmeade

Fun one, thanks!

  1. Neville Longbottom
  2. Ginny
  3. Bott’s Every Flavor Beans
  4. Lucius Malfoy
  5. Cho Chang
  6. Prof. McGonagall
  7. Avada Kevadra
  8. Owl
  9. Ravenclaw
  10. Diagon Alley
  1. Neville Longbottom
  2. Jenny
  3. any-flavor jelly beans
  4. Malfoy
  5. Susan Bones
  6. Prof. McGonagal
  7. oculum repair’em?
  8. owl
  9. Gryffendoor
  10. Diagon Alley

I am so hosed on this.

  1. Neville Longbottom
  2. Ginny
  3. Bertie Botts Every Flavor Beans
  4. Lucius Malfoy
  5. Ginny Weasley
  6. Severus Snape
  7. Avada Kedavra
  8. Owl
  9. Ravenclaw
  10. Hogsmeade
  1. Neville Longbottom
  2. Ginny
  3. Chocolate Frogs
  4. Lucius Malfoy
  5. Cho Chang
  6. Professor McGonagall
  7. Accio
  8. Cat
  9. Ravenclaw
  10. The Dursley’s House
  1. NEville
  2. Ginny
  3. Any flavor jelly beans
  4. Lucious Malfoy
  5. Ginny Weasley
  6. Hagrid
  7. Patronus
  8. Cat
  9. Ravenclaw
  10. Hogsmead
  1. Neville Longbottom
  2. Ginny
  3. Chocolate Frogs
  4. Lucius Malfoy
  5. Luna Lovegood
  6. Severus Snape
  7. Expelliarmus!
  8. Cat
  9. Ravenclaw
  10. The Dursley’s house

Looks like we’ve got a two-conch Feud here (#2 and #4). :slight_smile: I think I’m the only one so far who didn’t pick Ginny for #2.

  1. Neville Longbottom
  2. Bill
  3. Chocolate frogs
  4. Lucius Malfoy
  5. Millicent Bulstrode
  6. Prof. Snape
  7. Wingardium Leviosa
  8. Owl
  9. Hogsmeade

Oh heck, now that I’ve looked at the other responses I could kick myself for not putting in Ginny. I figured it wouldn’t be the twins or the parents, so I went with the oldest brother.

  1. Neville
  2. Ginny
  3. Chocolate Frogs
  4. Lucius Malfoy
  5. Ginny Weasley
  6. Snape
  7. Avada Kedavra
  8. Owl
  9. Ravenclaw
  10. Hogsmeade