I know, I know, I’m probably the last person in the world to get around to reading these books, but I have a question about The Chamber of Secrets. I think I maybe know the answer, but I require clarification.
We find out Hagrid was expelled from Hogwarts because
Riddle/Voldemort accused him of opening the Chamber of Secrets and unleashing a deadly monster–a huge spider–on the school, which also earned Riddle an award.
However, at the end, we learn that Hagrid had been framed and that
the spider never killed anyone, and Riddle was the one who’d opened the chamber and unleashed the deadly monster.
So, when the truth came out, how come Hagrid wasn’t exhonerated and, I don’t, given an honorary degree or something and allowed to practice magic? I assume it’s because
Dumbledore knew all along Hagrid was innocent of murder, that’s why he was only expelled and not sent off to prison, but he still had to be punished for having an illegal pet.
Did I understand the story right?
[sub]Yes, I do feel a little foolish for asking to have a children’s story explained to me, but I guess I just expected Hagrid to be unexpelled or something.[/sub]
Dumbledore knew all along that Hagrid was innocent - unfortunately he wasn’t in charge at the time. Other than his suspicions, did the truth ever come out before Harry opened the Chamber?
I think your assumption is correct. Also, I think part of it was that Hagrid was WAAAY too old to go to school at Hogwarts anymore. I think it can only happen during a certain age level, and Hagrid is just too old.
Have you started Prisoner of Azkaban yet, Gr8Kat? Because, (ooh, ooh, I get to use the spoilers-thingie!): Hagrid becomes the Magical Creatures instructor at Hogwarts. I always figured that this was evidence that: Hagrid had been, at least honorarily, exalted in stature. They wouldn’t let a disgraced and expelled dropout teach a course would they? Enjoy the books, BTW – they’re a lot of fun.
Plus remember that there is no proof Hagrid didn’t do it. Its going to be very hard to convince the Ministry of Magic to openly accept Hagrid. But a little pushing fom DUmbledore and a quiet backroom deal could mean that Ministry is taking an unofficial line of ignoring the whole game.
Thanks, Jess. I was afraid to read the spoiler boxes because I’d only just started The Prisoner of Azkaban, but I just got to the part you mentioned. It’s fitting and appropriate. Thanks again!