Harvey Korman dies

Ah, damn!

Harvey, meet Harvey, the six-foot rabbit. You are both classics.

RIP and God bless.

This made me sad… :frowning: Rest well, Harvey. We will miss you!

Pity. It’s surprising that in the 30 years since it ended and the 40+ years since it started he’s the first death from TCBS cast. Since I didn’t know him on a personal level, the loss is like seeing a piece of a complete heirloom china set broken.

Wouldn’t it be weird if Tim Conway died today as well and his last words were “Harvey Korman still lives?” (or better yet “Ko…alllla Bear” in the old man voice). But I’m hoping that’s not the case.

I can think of few better eulogies that can be said of anybody than he made mobs of strangers who never met him laugh, and he’ll continue to do so long after he’s dead. Whenever a kid sees Blazing Saddles for the first time or catches a TCBS rerun when it’s in syndication, it’s a great legacy.

Just saw this on CNN. Damn, a lot of the old greats are dying off. :frowning:

That’s a shame. I don’t know Korman’s work outside of his movies with Brooks, but he was unfailingly great in those. High Anxiety is pretty mediocre, but he and Chloris Leachmann made the plotting-the-good-guy’s-demise-over-a-big-table-of-snacks scene into a comic highlight. And he was perfect as [del]Hedy[/del] Hedley Lamarr. When I was inducted into the National Honor Society in high school, I pledged allegiance to Hedley Lammar (and to the eeevil for which he stands) instead of doing the real induction pledge.

Anyone who could keep a straight face when Carol made her entrance in THAT scene is a master of control. He also gave life to Ed Wiggims, a one dimension character very hard to play.

I’m sure there will be some retrospectives shown this weekend of the Carol Burnett show. You have to watch the interplay between him and Tim Conway. Two of the best comedians in the world, each trying to be the perfect straight man and force the other one to break character first. Some of the skits were absolutely priceless gems.

By himself, he was a world class comedian.

As part of that cast, they were just without comparison.


How in the hell…can AIR…be funny?

Well, now there’s a piece of pop trivia I totally missed! Thanks.

Yeah, I cried a little.

He was a genius, pure and simple…

Go Harvey, and do that voodoo that you do…so WELL!

I’ll keep an eye out for those. Until then, I’ll be wondering how Korman performed such great comedy… with such tiny feet!

On metafilter, they linked to this Carol Burnett Show sketch where Tim Conway is, as always, making Harvey Korman laugh. I laughed so hard I cried–it’s a good thing I came to work early and no one else was here.

I grew up watching Harvey and Tim; they were an amazing team. Rest in peace, Harvey.

That’s the clip I linked to in Post #2. :wink:

Never mind. Sorry.

I always liked him - so sad.

What.the.hell. is that Star Wars Christmas Special!!!
How is it I have never seen this before?! Yet, it seems so familiar

Sorry, for the hijack.

The one I remember is the one where they’re both butlers, and they’re both wearing white gloves.

The front doorknob to the mansion is huge, like the size of a tractor wheel. Well, the doorbell rings, and of course, they can’t turn the knob because the gloves keep sliding off.

So, Tim Conway climbs up, straddles the doorknob, and starts swaying back and forth like a pendulum, trying to open the door with his thighs.

You see Harvey Korman walk halfway across the stage and just freeze as Tim sways back and forth on the doorknob. It’s like he knew if he took one more step, or said his lines, he was going to completely collapse to the stage floor.

Have Tim or Vicki or Carol made any statements yet?

The story on the CNN website said Carol Burnett was devastated.

I know someone here in Bangkok who was in a TV movie with him called Crash Course, although my friend had a very tiny role. I didn’t see it, and it didn’t sound very good, but that puts me two degeres of separation from Harvey Korman.