Has a zombie ever been cured? If not, do you think it could ever happen? I’m talking about becoming a normal person again such as they were before being zombified, not an evil shell of their former selves à la Pet Semetery. I’m assuming it would have to be before much decomposition has taken place.
I’m not counting as zombies living people who are only in a trance - I mean actual revivified zombies.
In the *Order of the Stick *webcomic, they managed to revive one of the main characters after he had died and been made into a bone golem. Now, bone golems ae technically constructs and not undead, but it’s the same principle. They would have done the same if he’d been zombiffied.
<searches memory>
The Zombie Master of the Xanth series zombified himself when he suicided, and was restored to full life again 800 years later. We’re talking walking dead, pieces falling off style zombies here not people in a trance.
I have trouble recalling my phone number but I can remember that…sigh
Mmmm… Zompie…
I cant comment on that thread. It’s too personal.
In The Serpent and the Rainbow, several zombies are revived. They are, however, not yer regular undead zombies but rather the more likely Haitian zombies that may have a historical basis.
Sort of. In the movie “Undead” the zombies were caused by an accidental infection by a meteorite of alien origin. The aliens land in the town and cure everyone, except one guy who of course reinfects the whole town. It was a terrible terrible movie, don’t see it.
In 1897, a year of terror and intrigue for all who lived at Collinwood, Quentin Collins was slain by his crazed wife Jenny and resurrected as a zombie by the vengeful witch Angelique, who later restored him back to life.
Not as good as zomcake.
I’m pretty sure that at least some zombies were changed back to normal in Creatures From The Pink Lagoon.
There was an episode of Community where everyone turned into zombies (which turned out to be caused by a high fever). Someone fixed the AC and everyone was cured within the 22 minute episode.
And what would you call a zombie that became a living person again?? The Undead undead???
Well, a truly canonical zombie has *two *problems: first, he is dead, and second, he has been zombified somehow. So even if you can reverse the zombification, you still have to deal with the fact that he died of something originally.
An early South Park halloween episode featured a good deal of the town becoming zombified—the original zombie was a chemically reanimated corpse, but bites spread the “infection” to the living. Killing the original zombie somehow reversed the process, restoring the other victims…unfortunately, they didn’t find this out until after brutally slaying most of the zombified victims. Oops. :smack:
They didn’t call them “zombies” but the reanimated undead could be restored to real life with a potion in Legend of the Seeker.
In Night of th Comet the younger sister catches the zombie-itis and the gets better. I don’t recall how - given the time of the movie and the character in question it was probably prolonged hairspray use that cured her.
[adds appointment to calendar to reply to this thread in three years]
In the game King’s Bounty (the newer remake) there’s a quest where you find a way to unzombify a woman. Then you can marry her and turn her back into a zombie.
(scroll down a bit to read about it)
But zomcake is a lie, so it doesn’t matter.