Has anyone ever been falsely accused of rape by/involving minor or during high school?

Why were the boys suspended? Were they members of a club whose members were not allowed to attend parties where alcohol was served?

When I was in college (and I’m going to mention their races because it’s relevant to the discussion), a black girl wanted to date a black football player, and when he turned her down AGAIN, she went to the ER and said that he and 3 white football players (whom she refused to name) had raped her. :mad: The exam revealed that not only was she not raped, she was a virgin! Usually, you can’t tell, but in this case, they could.

He was taken in for questioning until all the results came back, and he was very distrustful of women for quite some time, as one could imagine.

Several years ago, I worked with a woman whose (now ex-) husband worked at the local alternative high school, and she claimed that he was cheating on her with at least one of his students. I say “worked” and not “taught” because this was not a school where any learning took place; it was simply a place to warehouse the worst of the worst kids until the law said they didn’t have to go to school any more. :rolleyes: Now, if that’s true, he belonged UNDER the jail, and if it wasn’t (and I suspect that I’m right), that’s an accusation as vile as accusing him of messing with the kids when there’s no evidence that any such thing happened.