Has Anyone Ever Had A Laparoscopy?

Here’s a TMI question which occurred to me:

Is it painful to move your bowels after a laparoscopy?

Exactly the same thing for me. I had my tubes tied on Friday and by Sunday I was back in blue jeans. I think I took 2 pain pills that weekend, 1 Friday night to help me sleep and 1 Saturday because of the shoulder discomfort.

I think having my navel pierced caused more pain than my tubal did.

It’s amazing what they can do through those little holes!
I had my first scope when I was 17 for an unknown pain in my right side which I still live with today and it is still unknown.
At 21 I had my appendix removed, at 25 I had my tubes tied, at 27 I had my gall bladder removed, 29 another scope for same pain as at 17, at 31 I had a hystarectomy.
All of them pretty easy except the gall bladder and the last one. They poked alot of holes in me for the gall bladder and they had to move around alot of stuff for the hystarectomy. And even those two weren’t bad. Just a bit more tender and way more bruised.
I didn’t get the shoulder pains with any of them.
I felt it wasn’t really the holes they poke in you that bother a person, but the muscles they mess with.
I was sore, but not in pain if that makes any sense.
I know I’m not as technical as the other posters, but I wanted to wish you well.
I’m not sure about questions you may want to ask, because around here they usually clean you up once and then opt for removal so you don’t have to keep going through the same thing over and over again.
Even though I have five children, it was still a hard decision.