Has anyone ever tried to kill/murder you? [Warning, morbid, and TMI?]

Nava -WOW very interesting post.

I take too much for granted, living in the US of A.


I was due to be in one of the tube stations (I was supposed to be riding on the Piccadilly line from Green Park to King’s Cross, but had my meeting cancelled at 8:30 so got off in Piccadilly Circus instead) right on / close to the time of the 7/7/2005 bombings here in London.

I was due to be in New York, in the Twin Towers, on 9-11, but the meeting got cancelled because an investor in the .COM I was working for cancelled the day before. He died during the attack. We would have been in there at 9am sharp for the meeting, probably arriving 30 minutes early.

I was due to be in Khobar Towers around the time of the bombing there in 1996, but my unit went to Turkey instead. I was really looking forward to going to Saudi for some shopping as well.

[*B]The terrorist aren’t out to get Americans in general, they’re apparently out to get me! ** * :eek:

I’ve also had guns pulled on me, more than once, and had someone shoot kinda close to me once in a hunting accident (it was about 1 foot away from my chest; I could feel the bullet pass). I’ve also had explosives nearly go off when I was working on them (in the Air Force) and nearly shot myself in the foot, but the people pulling guns I don’t think would have used them (both times were cops, both were mistaken identity - they thought I was someone else due to my car being the known car of a drug dealer who I had bought the car from in total ignorance; I sold the car not long after :slight_smile: - and the others were all accidents.

I was quite surprised in some ways to get to my 30th birthday. Now every day is a bit of a gift.

Heh. I’m glad we’re both here to read it, HSM.

Totally agree with the feeling in GomiBoy’s last line, too. Man, life is dangerous enough without sticking bombs to the undersides of cars…

I had a gun pointed at me for a few minutes. It was a snub-nose .38 by an off-duty cop who was drunk and heading home after his bar closed. I was bringing some girls back to their dorm after a frat party and had the misfortune to be behind his white firebird at the light on George Street & Rt 27. The girls all opened their doors & ran around before getting back into the car (everyone was in costume; it was Halloween time).

Light turns green, Firebird’s door opens, and out stumbles Mr .38 Special, drunk as a lord. He leveled the gun at me just fine (practice?), and then walked/weaved between our cars over to the passenger side, dropping a badge on the hood along the way. He then taps on the glass & makes a ‘roll it down’ motion with his gun. The terrified coed on that side complies & I’m just staring at the gun, which seems to be staring back.

He asks us where we’ve been, where we’re going. And he nuzzles the barrel along the front of her right breast while I’m telling him. At the end, he points with his other hand to the toy plastic ‘Al Capone’ style machinegun one girl in the back seat had with her costume and says “It’s not smart to play with guns on Halloween.”
(Yeah, no shit Sherlock; come up with that on your own or did Johnny Walker whisper it in your ear?)

Then he stumbled back to his car, putting his gun back in its holster along the way (only took him 3 tries :rolleyes: ). Then he took a left to drive into Highland Park.

A few years later, I saw his face in the paper and the memories of that night all came flooding back. Evidently, he had shot an 8 year old kid in New Brunswick and there were going to be protests…

Specifically me ,five times by the Paddies I think, and five times by various other nationalities that I can recall of,at one time I seriously considered changing my aftershave but in hindsight it was probably because I use too many apostrophes in postings.
Also have had several close brushes that werent meant for me personally.

Im hoping that the next attempt will be when Im a hundred and one by a jealous husband while Im making mad passionate love to his twenty five year old wife.
And that he misses.

Not a deliberate attempt, but I was nearly run over by a drunk drive while standing in my own driveway. Furtunately I have a rather hefty mailbox post that he bounced off of between he and I.