Has anyone ever tried to kill/murder you? [Warning, morbid, and TMI?]

My father had a common nightmare happen to him. He stopped at a convenience store in Shreveport, LA when he was 18. He got back in the car and a true psycho with a knife rose out of the back seat and told him to just start driving and if he didn’t do exactly as he was told, he would die. In fact, the kidnapper planned for my father to die that night anyway and the motives were bizarre. The kidnapper was convinced my father was sleeping with his fiance even though they didn’t know each other and he wanted them to die painfully together. The rest of the night was spent driving around trying to arrange this murder liaison. About 6 o’clock in the morning, the kidnapper made my father stop at a phone booth and try to reach his fiance again. This was in the 1960’s were things were more hefty than they are now. As the phone rang and reached no one, my father established a fake conversation with her and got the interest of the kidnapper. When he put his guard down, my father hit him in the face with the phone. When he bent down, he started kicking him until he was incapacitated enough to run.

He ran down the street looking for anyone to help that early when a police cruiser pulled up beside him and picked him up. Someone had seen him get kidnapped and the police had been searching the whole city all night long. The kidnapper had done a bunch of crazy stuff before but supposedly got sent away for a true life sentence for this whole scheme.

I could actually make this a very long post. At least 5 other family members have had life threatening crimes committed against them yet none have succeeded. We are just a middle class bunch that always lives in decent areas but it can happen anywhere. Six assailants went to prison and one died in a police shootout after he held my grandfather and step-grandmother hostage, robbed them, and left them bound and gagged.

The one against me was two knife wielding muggers that grabbed me from behind in front of my Boston apartment building in a place that happened to be deserted in late 1999. I fought back by instinct and won. They went around the area pulling the same thing for an hour before the gang-squad police caught them. I was the star witness and the trial negotiations went on for 2 years. One of the guys got 3 years for pleading guilty and the other got 5. They had both only been out of prison for two months and the police said that they wanted them right back in for everyone’s sake for as long as possible and that they were fully capable of killing me or anyone else.

I’m curious:

Why did you choose to unlock the door and go outside in that situation? If your SO had called 911 and you were armed, wouldn’t it have been safer to barricade yourself inside your locked home and wait for the cavalry?

Holy crap, HSM. I’m really sorry that happened to you.
When I was 21 and living with my boyfriend at the time, I let a 17 year-old acquaintance stay with us for a while. After she went to live with her boyfriend, we went over there to get our key back from her and she flipped out. She stabbed my boyfriend with a piece of broken glass (he was okay), and chased me through a field with a butcher knife. Fortunately I could run fast back then- I made it to a nearby house where they took me in quickly and called the cops. Since she wasn’t 18 yet, they wouldn’t do a goddamn thing.

Ok never a real murder attempt but in my 25 years I’ve had 2 knives drawn on me, 2 guns and been punched in the face about half a dozen times. I swear I’m not that bad in real life!!!

Yes. As a teenager, by a mentally imbalanced family member, and as an adult, by an ex boyfriend, who smothered me with a pillow to stop my screaming as he tried to rape me(he didn’t succeed).

I know next to nothing about guns and rifles, so “.22 long rifle” means fuck all to me, but…how were you able to survive a rifle shot to the chest and 2 to the face?

edit nevermind you answered my question already.

I’m amazed you let the guy live. If I had seen my girlfriend shot to death, and after being shot three times myself, I don’t think the guy would have been recognizable as a human being (at least not his face) by the time the cops showed up, assuming I still had the energy.

Wow. I’ve never had any experiences even close to the ones described here - it just reminds me how fortunate I am.

Well, seems I have led an extremely safe life, and I really hope it stays that way.

A good friend of mine was poisoned by her mentally unstable aunt. It was pretty messed up.

Yes, congratulations for having witnessed your girlfriend take one to the brain. Rock on. :rolleyes:

(bolding mine)

I’m sorry but I laughed out loud when I read that. :smiley:

Thank you for your condolences.

FWIW: this ia not something I want to “win” - it’s something I wish had never happened, and pray never happens to ANY of Y’all!

ummmmm… thnx??? :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
actually that image is on my Permanent Forget List :eek:

Believe me, I was tempted, but it just DIDN’T feel like the right thing to do.

Thank you Alice, and I’m really sorry for your experience too!

rigs - Yeah, I’m sorry you had to go through all that stuff and now have it in your memories!

This all reminds me of that ancient Chinese curse:

…“May you live in interesting times.”

I sincerely hope and pray (that) all who have not had these types of experiences NEVER do!


I was involved in the arrest of a young lady :rolleyes: who was the g/f of a well known local gang leader. She didn’t go quietly and was not a small girl 5’7 175ish.

Needless to say, she was the one who ended up cuffed, by me rather than the other way around. I’m sure she was more than a little sore the next morning. She told me several times that she was going to have her b/f come deal with me. About 4 days later we heard a rumor via one of our more chatty little gangsters that there were favors/rewards available for whomever stops by and “teaches me a lesson”. 3-4 other guys also came by and made comment that I better watch my back, because some people wanted me hurt badly.

Funny thing was, the girls b/f showed up, and was merrily greeted by an assortment of security staff. I was told to let the other guards confront him in case he was looking to take a shot at me. He volunteered to be patted down for weapons and asked to talk to me. They checked him and called me over, he asked me how and why she was arrested. I described the situation and why, he nodded a bit then told me that it correlated with what he had been told by others who witnessed the arrest.

Apparently she told him that I had just picked her out of the crowd, tackled her, cuffed her, had several inappropriate touchy feely moments with her while she was cuffed, while whispering a colorful combination of sexual suggestions and racial epithets, and told her if she didn’t come along nice that we would be taking turns on her in a storeroom somewhere on the property where nobody would think to look.

Amazingly enough he actually apologized for the “misunderstanding” and that she was no longer his g/f and had been ejected from the gang due to her tendency for picking fights then making threats of retribution from him.

#2 After a particularly trying day at the park (while I was management not security) I walked into my apartment complex and was confronted by what appeared to be a 12 year old boy, on a bike, wearing a mask, with a revolver pointed at me demanding my wallet. I was so tired, it took me a second to register that this kid was pointing a gun at me. I was so fed up with the world, I told the kid “Just fucking shoot me”, and began to walk away toward my apartment. He yelled a few things at me involving my weight, I looked back and he was standing there with the gun pointed at the ground. I told him to run away now because I’m calling the cops. He ran away, I walked into my apartment, poured myself a big glass of rum and coke, and somehow managed not to totally spaz out. I ended up falling asleep/passing out and never did call the police. I guess this one dosen’t really qualify

Oh, my post was meant to convey something like this:

I thought it was a remarkably stupid thing to say. Maybe I should have put “What a remarkably stupid thing to say” under the quote instead, to avoid this type of confusion, but I thought I’d made my contempt pretty clear.

So, really, we’re in a bit of agreement. I’m just more of a dickhead about it.

I’ve never been injured by another human being, never had to injure anyone else. Thankfully.

But I’ve displayed (not pointed, not fired) a firearm five times to stop my previous house from being broken into while I was there. I’ve displayed a firearm (not pointed, not fired) to prevent myself from being mugged in an isolated wayside rest in Idaho at 6am. I’ve displayed (not pointed, not fired) a firearm several times to prevent myself and my partner from being robbed on my previous job working armored.
When I was 18, a horse tried to kill me. Does that count?

I walked out to feed them and was bending down between the wires of the fence around the haystack when the horse in question ran over, spun around and kicked at my head. One hoof scraped along my forehead, leaving a red mark. The other tuffed the hair on the back of my head.

I don’t know who was more surprised that I was not dead. Me or the horse.

got drunk with a friend once…

he pointed a shot gun at my face as a joke.

I broke his knee

turned out gun was loaded.

I visited hospital

punched him right on his knee/cast

Yeah, I have to agree with you…

Wow, how the heck does this happen to people? Aside from the obvious “being in the wrong place at the wrong time.”

My grandfather had a farm beside a nutter. Someone who broke down his walls to make a nice short cut for himself, then took along a shotgun to observe my grandfather repairing the damage. When my grandfather went to talk to him about it at his house, he came to the door in the middle of a shave and took a swipe at him with one of those “cut throat” razors. My grandfather sold up and moved off not long after.

Oh, I don’t even know if I’m currently in.

I’m not sure on the “why.” I mean, why does anybody declare a months-old-baby “an enemy of the People”? Dunnow! Wouldn’t I need to be as nuts as them, to understand it? :confused:

I do know that many people see the long and complicated lastname and assume we’re rich. By his own admission during my thesis defense, that confusion was what prompted one of my college professors to flunk me repeatedly when I actually was getting “pass” exams; he wasn’t even from my area, where people’s reactions can be much more extreme than that. ETA has a marxist background among others (heck, they just use anything that can be used to wash morons’ brains); anybody with a lastname that denotes nobility (like mine, but we were never anything big, merely Captains of our Village and Keepers of its Strong House) is therefore by definition The Enemy.

Another part of ETA’s background is Carlismo, Spanish Traditionalism. They’ve taken the “God, Tradition-Law, Country, King” of Basque and Navarrese Carlismo (the Carlismo of other areas doesn’t have the Tradition-Law), made the Country mean a different one, added Marxism and racism and taken out the King. My family has at several points been semi-prominent in Carlista history (no Ministers but my relatives on that side refer to the Spanish Civil War of 1936 as “the Sixth Carlista War”; my great-grandfather and his seven children including both daughters were among the first to enlist… great-grandma said she wasn’t going because “someone has to keep the house warm for you”).

Two anecdotes:

One Christmas, when I was 8, Dad went to run some errands. It must have been January 2nd or 3rd; I didn’t know it at the time but one of those errands was bringing to the Police Station the list of people working at the factory where he was HR manager (as ordered by law at the time). He came back early and looking like his stomach had had a bad encounter with a baseball bat. Mom asked him with a gesture “what’s going on,” he answered in the same fashion “not in front of the kid;” they went to their bedroom and closed the door.
As soon as the door was closed, I rushed to the bathroom (the floor was tile and I was very, very good at moving silently), which shared a wall. I was able to hear everything.
“Well, I was with the Comisario, had given him the list, we were joking a bit, heehee haha, he told me that my name was again in the Top Ten for the list they captured right before Christmas, asked if I still refuse to get a bodyguard, so forth, as usual, but I could see that something was bothering him…
He finally admitted that something was. ‘You know you’re all on the list, right? All your family?’ ‘Yes. Me, my sibs, my cousins… we pretty much accept it. Well, most of us, I don’t think JM believes us when we tell him he’s too, him being PNV.’ The commander snorted a ‘like that will protect him. You see, by all I mean ALL.’ That took a bit to sink in. ‘You mean my daughter?’ ‘I mean your. Little. One. The one that was born in October. We know it’s not a mistake, you being on the list twice - they have him with both lastnames. And I know you had two new nephews this year: J and D, right? Congratulations on the kids but I sure wish I’d heard about them from a nicer source.’

All. A 2 months old, an enemy of the people? I don’t understand it and I certainly hope I never will.
This one is shorter:
Years later, my uncle JM was Sales Manager for a large geographical area and a global company. This pushed his name to the Top Ten of the list, which get warned by the police. Yeah, he’d thought that being a member of the nationalist PNV party was a safeguard… (he actually believed the ideology, which is very similar to ETA only the guys from PNV don’t actively claim that “outsiders” should all be killed).

She’d not called 911 yet and I was interested in getting this guy caught. Now I can smile at what made DataZak laugh but she just went straight into play-by-play with the gal she was speaking to at the time, despite me yelling to get the cops. Maybe that was a good thing as it didn’t require breaking and reestablishing a connection to notify someone, maybe she was just in a kind of shock. Regardless, it’s wasn’t like help was on the way and I figured my chances were going to be even better than when he was the only one armed and I didn’t have squat.

Looking back, of course your counsel would have been more prudent course. But then there was the matter of adrenaline in flood stage and I just didn’t want to spend the next months or years wondering when and under what circumstances I’d next see this person that came with the intent of violating our lives.

I was at a party, and when I’d gotten a little too mouthy with my friend’s brother, he left the room and came back with a gun, which he pointed at me. I laughed at him. “How stupid do you think I am?” I asked. “That’s not loaded; only idiots keep loaded guns in the house.” I come from a hunting family, you see, and had some assumptions about basic gun safety based on my upbringing. Later, on reflection, I realized that my friends family were in fact idiots, and the gun probably had been loaded. So I’m glad I didn’t get shot.