Has anyone on "Family Guy" ever commented on Brian's bestiality?

Plus, a reference to the movie White Dog.

Well, if we’re willing to go with bestiality meaning sex with a lower animal (M-W), and if Brian is a sentient being who happens to be dog shaped, then I think “miscegenation” might be a defensible claim, but bestiality seems a bit wrong.

The best part was when Brian heard Midnight at the Apollo was coming on and tried to explain why he was turning it off.

In the James Woods episode Woods chains Brian to a stake in the yard and Brian immediately runs in circles until the chain is all wrapped around the stake.

That cracked me up.

The technical term is “rishathra”.

There was a scene I always liked that went something like this

Chris: I don’t have to listen to you, You’re a dog! You don’t have a soul!

Brian: Wow! That was harsh.

I think one of my all time faves was Stewie and Brian (in one of the Road to episodes, I think Road to Rhode Island) stranded. Stewie tells Brian that if he doesn’t get them back, Lois will be pissed and Brian will end up in a dumpster with a few slow moving greyhounds, and Brian goes, “Hey, don’t joke about that, that’s like the Holocaust for us.”

The one I referenced earlier.
I can’t find the one from the episode where they break Lois out of jail. The one where he’s running around in circles and stumbling all over the van and when Peter finally asks him what’s wrong, he says “I’m a dog. We have a hard time standing up in the car.” That one is so funny, and I can’t find it.

On an unrelated note, Every mom knows exactly what this feels like. There has to be a mom on their writing team. :smiley:

Oo, yeah, that was the episode.

How about the one where Lois’s dad got his prized racing dog pregnant with half human puppies?

CARTER didn’t knock up Seabreeze, Ted Turner did.

That’s right. I stand corrected. Still pretty gross.

By that logic, shouldn’t Brian’s son have been some sort of human/canine hybrid? Instead he looked to be a normal human.

And wasn’t he somehow older than Brian, which they commented on? (The kid was a teen, Brian’s eight?)


Like the Simpsons, Family Guy has always been a little screwy with its timeline. There was one episode where Brian said he used to hang out with Andy Warhol, who died in 1987.

I used miscegenation as that’s the only “real” term I know for mixing of races, but if by “technical term” you mean “SF word made up by Larry Niven”… then yep, decent description… although I wonder if Brian counts as “humanoid”. :slight_smile:

Hmmm… I wonder if other SF and Fantasy worlds have similar terms… I’ve never heard anyone on, say, modern Star Trek even comment on attitudes towards inter-species relationships, and as far as I’m aware the only thing Capt. Kirk would have called them was “Friday Night”. :slight_smile:

Yeah, but a different guy comes out looking like the freak.

I think Stewie (or maybe Lois) actually came out and said “How is it possible you have a son who’s older than you?” or something like that.


From memory the exchange when they two of them met the kid went more or less like this:

‘You have a 16 year old kid?’


‘But you’re seven.’


‘How does that work?’

‘Don’t like it? Go complain on the internet!’

(Actually, Brian may have included some halfassed explanation of how it worked before telling Stewie to go complain on the internet, but that was the funny bit.)