I’ve recently started a job as an aerial videographer/editor. Basically, I film golf courses from helicopters, and edit the footage to be used on websites. I was esentially given the freedom to use whatever software neccessary to get the job done, and have tried several. MGI’s Videowave was easy to use, and I liked the results, but due to a glitch in the software (I checked their tech support message boards, and many others have had the same problem) I was unable to burn DVD’s.
I’m now using Ulead Video Studio, 6.0 and it has a lot of the same features as Videowave, with the added bonus of actually allowing me to create DVD’s of my productions. The productions look fine, but I’d like to step them up a notch. I’ve recently downloaded a free trial of Ulead’s substantially more expensive Media Studio Pro 6.5, and I have a couple of questions.
The software offers a video paintbrush that allows me to manipulate each frame individually. For example, if the golf course has a brown patch of grass, I can cut out a nice green patch, and paste it over the brown patch. The question I have is, will Media Pro apply that paste to the following frames or do I have to edit each frame individually? I won’t have the time to edit each frame, but if I can cover the (bad spots) in one frame and have that carry over into the rest of the frames that contain that bad spot, that would be awesome.
I know this is long and winded, but I haven’t had enough experience with it as of yet to pass judgement. Is the Media Studio Pro worth the money, and what other advantages does it have over Video Studio?