Has anyone visited the replica of the Athena Parthenos statue in Nashville, Tennessee?

I posted a reference to the original statue in Athens in this trivia thread and I was surprised to learn that there was a replica in Nashville.

I’m just curious. Is it impressive?

Obligatory link to The Parthenon.

The answer depends on what it takes to impress you. :slight_smile:

I 've seen it on several occasions when visiting Centennial Park. Although I’ve not seen the original, I would say that there’s no comparison.

My husband & I go to the dog park across the street every weekend, but we haven’t really wandered over there to take a closer look.

I think we’ll plan to do that next weekend. =)

We saw it when we were in Nashville this past spring. I cannot imagine it is as amazing as the real thing, but it was very grand.

I saw it on a road trip several years ago. The statue was pretty cool but the place was very noisy. Try to avoid visiting at the same time as elementary school groups.

I’ve been there. It was bizarre in the “wtf were they thinking?” sense.

Nothing says “country music” like classical Athens!

There really is no “original”. The original has long since been lost. Of course there are versions which are “more original” in the sense of being much older copies, from classical times.

I have been to both, and I prefer the one on Nashville as the air conditioning works better. :wink:

doesn’t Skald the Rhymer live in Nashville? coincidence???

(or maybe he lives in Memphis, but, seriously, it’s still weird.)

I grew up there. I always thought it was cool.

Many people don’t even know you can go inside. With the doors open, you can see the statue from outside, and the coolest part is that the angel in her hand is about 6 feet tall, all by itself. It’s pretty, pretty, pretty, pretty cool.

Thanks, that’s a great photo for emphasising the statue’s enormous size.

I now have a reason to visit Nashville. Hail Athena!

I have to say that the Parthenon in Athens was about the most underwhelming place I have ever visited. After Stonehenge.

It was quite impressive when I visited there in 1994.
I believe the ‘angel’ in her hand is actually Nike.

I saw it about 45 years ago when I was very young, and do not recall the statue having metal on it.

It is impressive in size, but it didn’t actually take my breath away.

They only painted it in recent years to more closely resemble the original as we believe it would have looked in ancient times.
