Has Condoleeza Rice actually accomplished anything since becoming Sec. of State?

If she has, what? Seems like all she does is jet around the world and nothing of substance comes out of it. (Not that any foreign government really works with the U.S. anyways, unless there’s big money involved.)

I assume a mod will be along to move this to Great Debates shortly.

Well, here’s a list of Condi’s Big Initiatives (or “Transformational Diplomacy” ), for what that’s worth.

OTOH, the Israelis have coined a new word for Ms Rice:

OTOH, I’d think the Israelis had gotten their money worth from this administration, with the US taking out one of Israel’s regional enemies (Iraq), and wanting to take out another (Iran), so they should have little reason to kvetch. Except for those pesky Palestinians.


samclem GQ moderator

Cheney has continuously overruled her on just about anything she’s tried to do for her “husband”. Her failures have been in her inability to help him keep his VP under control, or even convince him he had to be the President himself. I don’t know that you can blame her for anything but not quitting in disgust long ago.

Yeah, but she looks great in boots.

Well, when North Korea tested its bomb, Rice gave instant assurances to Japan and South Korea that we would defend them, and neither one nuclearized in response. That’s something.

Overall, she hasn’t been one of our more remarkable Secretaries of State, but then Bush and Cheney did deal her a pretty lousy hand.

Since neither of those countries are known to have nukes, I assume you meant they didn’t go rhetorically “nuclearized”

No, I meant they didn’t build nuclear weapons, which would have just about sunk the already way-too-fragile Non-Proliferation Treaty. Japan is believed to be capable of building a warhead within a few months of the go-ahead order. Sorry about any ambiguity.

She did nothing when warned about a 911 incident. She has however bought some nice shoes.

She just has not done her job. This story says Clarke warned her many times about El Queda and she never took it seriously.

See??? They ARE sneaking over the border!


For what it’s worth, the OP asked about her career as Sec of State. She was NSA advisor during the attacks and didn’t become Secretary till '05

When questioned by congress she showed a dismal memory. I would not want to think she would possibly be lying ,so she must be stupid. Not qualified to have an important position.

Are you saying that having a poor memory, lying to an investigative body and/or being stupid disqualifies one from working in the federal government?

With this administration, a foreign policy based on not doing things is arguably an accomplishment.

Either you know very little about government and politics, or you’re not willing to accept the truth.

Looked like sarcasm to me, anyway …

One point about Rice’s performance as SoS: she has failed to dissuade Turkey from invading Iraqi Kurdistan, and that could turn into the worst of the already disastrous diplomatic failures of the Bush administration.

On the other hand, if Rice prevents this incursion from escalating into an all-out Iraqi-Turkish war, that will be a major credit to put to her account.