Has Obama spent a million dollars to hide his birth certificate?

A black what?

Umm…because we elected him President, not king? If the rules say he can’t do it, then he can’t do it.

You forgot morons.

I will happily state that anyone who has the slightest doubt that Barack Obama was born on August 4th, 1961 in Honolulu, Hawaii is a crackpot, or a shit-stirrer, or a moron. The evidence that he was born on that date in that place is clear, overwhelming, and inarguable.

My statement appears to indicate that 58% of Americans are crackpots, or shit-stirrers, or morons. Frankly, I’m surprised; that seems a bit low to me.

While shielded by a bit of ambiguity, this is a bit too close to accusing another poster of lying in GD. Let’s back off that line of remarks.

[ /Modding ]

Completely, totally, and wholly irrelevant. It is a fact that the person who had the most to gain looked into the allegations and dismissed it. How is it that you know the truth but McCain didn’t?

Under which of those categories do the deliberately ignorant fall? Y’know, the ones that are giving the proper information over and over and over again, but keep asking the same questions as if for the first time?

My statement was phrased to refer to a group of people that may or may not include posters on the SDMB. I don’t care to refine it any further in GD. Feel free to make your own choice. :slight_smile:

Quick note about the law thing: don’t bother entertaining this argument. Regardless of what some people interpret Hawaii’s law as, it doesn’t trump the 14th amendment to the Constitution. In 1961, Hawaii was a state of the US, Obama was born there. It doesn’t matter what the state law says.

You forgot to include the standard of reasoning. Shall it be “beyond a reasonable doubt” or “by the preponderance of the evidence”?


I don’t get it; first you say do not bother interpreting the law, then you quote the law and interpret it to make your point. It seems you are in confusion.

Or are you saying “trust me”. ha ha ha


So you are falling back to “truth by authority” as the standard of your argument. I did not know you thought so highly of McCain, did you vote for him?

Find some evidence instead of speculating about what might have happened and we’ll discuss it. To apply a standard of reasoning you have to start with reason. Your side is not there yet.

  1. Birth Certificate or Certificate of Live Birth
    State law prohibits the DOH for disclosing any information about a Hawaii vital record unless the requestor has a direct and tangible interest in the record.

Accordingly Obama has the ability, and authority, to obtain all the records on file in the state of Hawaii regarding his birth. And we are talking about the originals and not computer generated copies. Search the site above and you can find the state law but with more information.

In addition, if you keep raising the standard of reason, you will reach a point that you must confess—YOU do not know where Obama was born, but you can believe what you like.


Another reading failure, Don123. It does not say that. It says no information can be disclosed unless the requestor has a legit interest. It does not say all records will be provided to anyone who asks. This is explained further down the page you just linked to:

So that information is all they can make public. And the Hawaiian authorities (Lingle, Fukino, Onaka) all say the same: they have disclosed everything they can disclose. The original records cannot be made public, period.

So you are diving out with an insult. That is your choice to do, and common when you have do not away to defend your position.


I’ve wasted a lot of time defending “my” position considering you haven’t done much except ignore the facts, make mistakes about the laws, and speculate blindly sans evidence about a bunch of things that might have happened. The birth certificate has been released and it says he was born in Hawaii (and was filed a few days later), the announcements were released, the certificate was authenticated, and even the people who have the most to gain from challenging Obama’s legitimacy didn’t do it. You’ve got nothing.

He’s our first Indonesian US President and (some would say) the anti-christ in the flesh. Big deal. It doesn’t affect me in the least. I’ve chosen my leader, and they can cut my head off for not supporting their tiny little agenda. No one will miss me…least of all our pretend president!

This just keeps getting better.

It’s possible the “originals” don’t exist anymore. That’s certainly the case for my own birth certificate. Nothing I could do could get the Pennsylvania authorities to release the original birth certificate, because it doesn’t exist – it was lost years ago.

Not true. He has the right to the information, but not to hard copies of any originals. Those belong to the state.