Has SDMB always worked this way w.r.t. urls in posts?

In this post, Snowboarder Ro placed a quote from another website. He did it (I see from looking at his formatting using the “quote” function) simply by using a url tag. I see no way in which he actually typed out the quoted text–it seems (?) to simply be imported from the website itself. Moreover, I cannot select text from out of the quote because the entire quotation is a link.

I have never noticed anything like this! Has it always been around? How exactly does it work? I don’t quite get how the text from the website got to the SDMB post for example.

If you wrap quote tags in url tags, the whole quote becomes the link. You don’t see this in the coding because the quote function here automatically filters out quote tags and the content in them to prevent nested quotes.

So this coding:




ETA: If you quote my post, you’ll notice that the quote tags are now gone and only the url tags remain.


You mean like this?

Just highlight the whole quotation, include the [ Q U O T E ] and [ / Q U O T E ] tags, press the link button, and put in your favorite URL.

ETA: Or what fachverwirrt just said.

For those interested, here’s the coding in question:


If I remove the PHP tags it doesn’t do the same thing in this post as it does in the original. It doesn’t display anything because there’s nothing inside the URL tags. It just looks blank, as seen below this line.

Not sure how it got the quote generated in the original post. :confused:

ETA: Tried wrapping it in quote tags as mentioned above but no luck.

Snowboarder Bo almost certainly just copied and pasted and put the text inside regular old quote tags. But the board default is to not nest quotes, so any quote tags (and everything between them) is stripped out when you hit the “quote” button.

Take this (spoilered for clutter):



Copy it into a reply box and preview, and you’ll see exactly what Bo posted.

The format for a URL link is the following (I am using noparse to show the coding)


[quote from site]
(link location)[/noparse]

This yields, for example,

test link

“test link” is text that is a link. The whole phrase is a single link, not separable.

If I insert quote codes around the quote, makes a quote box that is a link. The whole quote box is the link. As thus





Note, if you want to highlight a portion of the text that is the link, simply start your highlight selection outside the quote box area, say the sentence above it, and then highlight to the portion you want. Then you will have to selectively delete when you paste.

Aye, y’all have it figured right. I’ve been doing that for years now.

In case it wasn’t clear in the previous posts, I’ll reiterate the format using { and } in place of [ and ]:

{url=web address}{quote}Quoted text here.{/quote}{/url}

Obligatory post about using code tags:
If you use [NOPARSE][NOPARSE] and [/NOPARSE][/NOPARSE] tags, then you put in what normally would be…well…code, and it will be rendered as plain text.

So if you want to show a URL example such as
[NOPARSE][some text](web address)[/NOPARSE]

You would do
[NOPARSE][NOPARSE][some text](web address)[/NOPARSE][/NOPARSE]

And if you look at what I’ve actually done in this message by quoting it, you’ll see that I have even more NOPARSE tags.

But the following is surrounded by NOPARSE tags and it still creates a link!


It creates a link even when it is quoted!

Irishman’s post has screwed up my iPhone. I think it was the long, unbroken URL.

I believe [noparse] only works with vB tags. A bare url (which is parsed as a link if you check the “automatically parse links” box at the bottom) doesn’t have any tags around it, so the [noparse] is ignored.

That’s not SDMB doing it directly - it’s Viglink.

When I preview this:
[NOPARSE]text about Google[/NOPARSE]
there are no active links if I have Viglink disabled. If I enable it, I get links.
The “Automatically parse links in text” checkbox doesn’t change the behavior either way.

Out out of Viglink here.
ETA: Reality of the post seems to match the preview. No live link for the google part.

So it is.

fachverwirrt’s entire quote in Post #2 doesn’t behave the same way as Snowboarder Ro’s [sic] :wink: quote that Frylock linked in Post #1. At least, not for me.

In fachverwirrt’s sample quote, I can tell that the whole quote is wrapped in [noparse][url=…][/noparse] tags because the word “Quote” itself, at the top of the quote box, is a clickable link. But the entire text shown within the quote box is not clickable, but is selectable with the mouse.

At least that’s what I am seeing.

What is the difference between the way Snowboarder Bo created his entire quote as a link (which, by the way, I’ve noticed before from time to time here), and the way fachverwirrt created his link? (Is Viglink messing with either or both of them, or treating them differently from one another?)

Not sure what’s going on there. For me, the quote box in post 2 and Bo’s post in the linked thread work the same. Is Alley Dweller’s quote box in post 3 clickable for you?

(I’ve tried it with Viglink enabled and disabled, and there’s no difference.)

Alley Dweller’s quote box in Post #3 is not clickable for me either. It behaves like your quote box in Post #2. Only the word “Quote” at the top of the box is clickable.

I see a difference in your quote box in Post #2: There’s another link inside the quoted text. So you’ve got an outer link, with an entire quote box inside that, with another inner link in that. The quote box in Post #3 doesn’t appear to have any such thing.

Here, let me try that:

I coded this:


](Index of /pictures)What do you see?[/noparse]

And I see this:


](Index of /pictures)What do you see?

On preview, I see this working just like Snowboarder Bo’s quote box: The entire text inside the quote box is clickable but not (easily) selectable.

Okay, I think I see why some of these act differently than others.

I think if the quote box has a clickable link anywhere inside of it, then the entire quote box does not become a clickable link. (Is anyone else noticing the same differences I’ve been mentioning, or not? With what browser? It might be something that different browsers will display differently.)

Note that a clickable link inside the quote box could also include the little block with the arrow-head next to the words “Originally Posted by username” on the first line inside the quote box, if you are linking to an existing post. That’s a link too. I think the problem is simply that nested links don’t work.

I am using Firefox.

In Post #2, if I click on the words “this post” I go here:

If I click anywhere else in the quote box, I go here:
In post #3, where I edited out the link, if I click anywhere in the quote box, it goes here: