I know the government is accusing the Islamic news network of committing Geneva Convention violations related to showing our dead war casualties in a morgue. I don’t quite understand how journalists can violate “Rules of War” but that’s another story.
Anyway www.aljazeera.com, www.aljazeera.net and all other links to any of their individual pages are suddenly inaccessible. The broadcasting company is located in the Middle East but is far outside Iraq so the war should not be a factor in any disruption of service.
Can anyone else get in?
Did the Gov. bitch slap them or is it just another one of those weird coincidences?
They got hacked. They broadcast controversial stuff, hence they are a target for such hacks. FYI they are located in Qatar, an island in the lower Gulf.
The US complaint seems to be based on the “Protocol Additional to the Geneva Conventions of 12 August 1949, and relating to the Protection of Victims of International Armed Conflicts (Protocol I), 8 June 1977”.
It is somewhat misleading on the part of the US to complain that Al-Jazeera has violated the Geneva Convention, as it would appear to be Iraq, in allowing the filming for subsequent broadcast, which would be the actual violator. Unfortunately, Iraq never ratified this particular protocol (not surprising, given the date!) and neither has the US.
AFIK, the Geneva Conventions are still considered to be a form of treaty, in that they only legally apply to actions between two signatory members.