Has There Ever Been Front End Loader Drag Races?

I was just behind one; I wonder if anybody has ever raced them? They don’t move too fast, but they bouce around a lot. Could be interesting.


You could be the first!


Because if anything can be even remotely defined as a vehicle, men have raced them.

One search for front end loader race found this

If you can race it it’s probably been raced or soon will be.

Heh, “runs like a Deere”, indeed.


Because if anything can be even remotely defined as a vehicle, men have raced them.

Especially if beer can be involved. :smiley:

NASA still has two of the immense crawler transporters that they used to move the Saturn V rockets and Space Shuttles out to the launch pad. Wouldn’t surprise me if someone tried to race them in their 50 year history. Unloaded speed is listed at two miles per hour.