Has this scene ever taken place? (Unexpected end to mano-a-mano duel)

Just a random thought that crossed my mind, its not uncommon to have a one-on-one fight scene where one character is preventing another from achieving an objective. Naturally to solve this impasse they must engage in a little of the old ultraviolence.

I was wondering if instead while circling each other warily preparing for combat one character has suddenly made a break for it, the other character pauses in surprise, “Hey!”, then takes off after them.

It would play quite well in a comedy I imagine but I don’t think I’ve ever seen this happen before. Though I’m pretty sure it must have happened in some media at some point.

To show what I mean, without the unexpected ending this is the sort of scene I mean (from Ghost in the Shell, caution, violence)

Princess Bride has this type of scene.

First thing I came to mention, but I’m sure it has been used in many movies.