Has US Atty proclaimed Roland Burris...

…is not a person of interest in the RodBlag business?

If Burris turns out to have paid to play, a lot of his congratulators will be a bit embarrassed.

Worst of all Chris Matthews will have to take back his award to Burris for standing in the rain. :eek:

I don’t believe there’s been any official exemption of Burris (although maybe there has – USA’s do sometimes tell people if they aren’t targets). But it’s unlikely in the extreme that Sen. Burris engaged in any shady dealings w/r/t his appointment, as the appointment existed primarily as a legal defense to the criminal charges. That is, there’s some evidence Blago was trying to sell the seat, so he ended up giving the seat to someone in a completely above-board way; this allows him to say to the prosecutors – “Nothing wrong was done – I may have had some sloppy conversations, but the actual appointment is pristine.”

Editorially: I caught some of Burris’ appearance before the Ill. House impeachment committee last week. Man, I’m glad I don’t live in Illinois.


Infinitely more interesting than my OP. Please tell us more. :D:D:D

He’s just a terrible spokesman for himself – he seemed both conceited and ignorant at the same time. But mostly he didn’t offer the credibility that’s important in a witness by refusing to give ground on questions that didn’t hurt him. F’rex, one of the questioners kept asking him to agree that the conditions of his appointment were “not ideal,” but he kept refusing to even go that far. Seriously dude?


I keep hoping. LOL

Here’s what comes to mind whenever I hear about Roland Burris: When I was in high school (so, sometime in the early-to-mid 80s) and he was comptroller, he came to speak at our school. The one point I remember him making was

Does Roland Burris have the personal wealth to have paid the prices that they allege Gov. Blago was expecting? He’s a successful lawyer, but I don’t see that he is super wealthy to the extent that he could pay millions for a 2-year job as a Senator.

It would seem that this alone would clear him of any complicity.

He could time-share his mausoleum. :slight_smile: