Hatfields and McCoys: I thought it was already over with!

Hatfields and McCoys sign truce

From CNN:

But I thought they had already patched it up decades ago, when a Hatfield married a McCoy. :confused:

No, apparently the feud only went onto a low simmer heat after some of the Hatfields were tried for murder.

Link to about.com genealogy info.

I had the same thought! I thought they’d solved this over beers at the Boar’s Nest, and Uncle Jesse was going to be allowed to live free and die as long as he didn’t make any of that there moonshine!

Anyway, it couldn’t have been that awful of a feud in recent years. The CNN article itself says there’s been a Hatfield-McCoy Festival for four years.

Today the Hatfields and McCoys, tomorrow the Israelis and Palestinians? :stuck_out_tongue:

Festival? Yep. They get together and picnic and there’s always a softball game between the families.

Goin on this weekend, apparently:


I wonder if you can go if you’re not a Hatfield or McCoy. I’m not far from Pikeville/Matewan …

I’d be doing it for the sake of knowledge, ya know. Has nothing to do with not having had good BBQ in ages!

Pretty much the same situation, except for less pig stealing.

And I don’t think that Sharon feller done made off with Yassir’s moonshine. But still.

Hatfield checking in here.
Yes, many moons ago there was a public handshaking between two male elders that ended it.
I have the newspaper clipping of it around here somewhere.
The marriage of the Hatfield boy to the McCoy girl actually kept things going and IIRC she ended up dying in child birth.
So if they have made it a paperwork official kind of thing I’m wondering if this means that the Hatfields are getting their land back?
My uncle and his wife went to the picnic two years ago and had a great time and brought back some really cool pictures.

Oh, and I know there is another memeber of the clan on the boards here somewhere I just can’t remember offhand who it is.
