Hating on Muslims isn't wrong

Hate breeds hate. And on top of that, Christianity has “turning the other cheek” and forgiveness at its core. Islam is bigger on an eye for an eye.


‘It is arson:’ 6 churches set on fire near Ferguson in 10 days (20 October 2015)

Is that so?

So, you’re saying Islamophobia is simply Muslims’ own fault?

Yeah, that certainly makes much more sense than suggesting that some non-Muslims could possibly be engaging in bigotry and prejudice.

Sure, but their Christianity was incidental. It’s not like they…I don’t know…burned giant crosses into people’s yards. Or wore a uniform derived from their religious vestments while committing these crimes. Or cited their faith and Bible as the reason for their actions.

Oh, wait.

For the tenth time, this is not how a debate works. Do your own research. If you want somebody to “read up” on something, you provide a source and excerpt. Nobody is going to go looking for support for your arguments (especially given that they are generally nonsense).

… like this. Church arson is not “very common” in the Nordic countries. In fact, it is practically unknown except for a spate of church burnings in the 1990s in Norway that were primarily orchestrated by Vikernes, the guy I just mentioned. The reason you have heard of Norwegian church burnings at all is because of Vikernes and the black metal subculture he associated with - not because they are “common.”

Can some kindly descriptivist help me out here?

My 15yo kid uses these terms as well, as well as stuff like “don’t hate, appreciate” (which Urban Dictionary helpfully tells me is a response to people “hating on” one.) He says he’s not using the word “hate” in a literal sense, but in a more casual way.

I get that–I hate Justin Bieber, but I don’t, yanno, hate him.

Has “hate” been diluted to mean any dislike or criticism?

N.B. I’m quite sure my child is not the OP.

I think that definition is derived from African-American Vernacular English. The odds of the OP using that meaning seem low.

Given his posting history, I absolutely agree with the latter sentiment.

(But I do not think it leads automatically from the former; an awful lot of AAVE and Black cultural terms have [del]been appropriated[/del] entered mainstream language, for better or worse. Certainly in theory the OP *could *be using the term according to its casual meaning as my kid does, particularly if the OP were–like my kid–a silly teenager of any race. But again, I agree that the odds are low.)

What does this mean? Sounds like a level of ignorance, and possibly hate, is directed towards “Americans” as well. I mean, like, we are are all homogenized as one.

In this delusional fantasy the OP sets forth. We should treat Muslims more fairly by burning down thier mosques?

I’ll understand how to be a real liberal someday.

I’m okay with the OP hating anyone he damn well pleases, for what it’s worth.

I stand corrected.

And your definition of “very common” is what, exactly? Church arson is more prevalent in the Nordic countries than neighbouring ones for a few very obvious reasons.

a) The thousands of churches are mainly wood. Burning down stone churches is a lot more difficult.
b) Norwegian churches are mostly rural churches and it’s easy to approach unseen and leave unnoticed before the fire is discovered.

It’s also possible that the low level of religious belief plays a role, since you’re less likely to consider burning down a church if you’re a strong believer in their holiness, but I haven’t actually done a comparison.

It’s also possible that you’ve failed to take into consideration the general Scandinavian focus on rehabilitation and return to society of any crime when you made your judgement on how church arsonists are treated, but I fear that is giving you too much credit.

Still, less than one attempted or completed arson on a church per year is very little compared to the stats indicating 100-200 schools in Norway report arson attempts each year.

(Now awaiting a post stating that hating on teachers is okay because of the success of The Wall.)

No, liberalism has usually been hostile to any church playing a role in the decisionmaking processes of the state, but not to Christianity as such. There have been and are many devoutly Christian liberals.

I’m a liberal and a Christian, who is anti-church burning and anti-Muslim hating! Does that blow your mind? How do I not disappear in a puff of illogic?

The difference is that Christianity is considered a majority religion in the West.

And our church burning isn’t anti-Christianity, it’s anti-black.

Do you really want put yourself in a position of defending this guy on this board? Really?

At any rate, you already are smart enough to know the difference between hating someone for a self-selecting ideology vs. hating someone for where they were born*.

  • We’re talking specifically this poster’s pretty obvious animus towards Pakistanis in particular, but I’ll note that the broad category of Islam in general for most falls a lot closer to the “where you were born” line than the “self-selected ideology” one.