As far as I know, most of them write books or go into speechifying for schools and such. Anyone go back and run for governor or mayor after leaving the White House?
John Quincy Adams became a member of the House of Representatives after serving as President, though that’s not exactly local politics.
President William Howard Taft was appointed Chief Justice of the United States by President Harding.
President Andrew Johnson was elected to the Senate from the state of Tennessee. (This was prior to the ratification of the 17th Amendment, so he was elected by Tennessee’s legislature.)
President John Quincy Adams served for several years in the House of Representatives after his presidency.
And after Grover Cleveland was done being President, he went and became President all over again.
All I know is it’d be wicked cool to have the mayor of Lower Grumblebum, IL having a full-on, hardcore 24/7 Secret Service detail. It’d kinda stick it to the local greengrocer who was running against you.
It’s been done
There was also, John Tyler. After the secession, His Accidency was elected to the Confederate legislature. He died before taking office.