Have any of your Thanksgiving traditions changed recently?

Take your pick - activities, venue, menu - what has changed from the stereotypical going-to-grandma’s, or whatever your traditions have been?

Over the years, various parts of our menu have evolved - succotash has disappeared, but the fried sweet potatoes stay on the table. This year, I brought smoked turkey for the first time, and most of it came home with me (danged purists! :p) so I’m pretty sure I won’t be taking it ever again. Also this year, one of my sisters brought pumpkin mousse - OMG - that’s a tradition that should continue for EVAH!!!

We finished the day with a surprise baby shower for my daughter, but I’m pretty sure that won’t become an annual event. At least I’m hoping not! :eek:

Anything new and exciting (or not so exciting) added to your holiday tradition?

In the last few years my husband and I have turned it into a mini vacation + birthday treat (mine, 11/24). We go to Snowbird Mountain Lodge in the NC mountains, stay for 3 nights, eat fantastic food, hang by the fireplace, read, stare at the Mountain views, it’s great.

We have no kids and no near family, and I don’t really like to cook.

snowbirdlodge.com, if anyone’s interested. The room prices look insane, but that’s all inclusive: 3 really good meals, use of all the facilities, tea/coffee/snacks always available.

I’m pretty spoiled :slight_smile:

We’ve dropped turkey from the menu. Traditionally we cook both a turkey and a ham, and end up tossing a lot of turkey because everyone prefers ham. This year was just a large ham.

Also, we’re admitting to ourselves that people don’t like dressing all that much. We made a much smaller amount this year.

Finally, mashed potatoes. Some brands of instant mashed potatoes are nearly indistinguishable from the homemade kind (Idahoan). Now mashed taters are just a few minutes in the microwave instead of peeling, stirring, boiling, etc.

We normally put up the tree after Thanksgiving dinner, but this year ran into several snags and we abandoned the project. I don’t know if this is a permanent change or not though.

My inlaws used to end Thanksgiving day by having their 3 sons pull all the Christmas decorations out of the attic, and before Black Friday was over, the house was all ready for Christmas. But they’re 86 & 87, and most of their decorations have been given away, plus the brothers are no longer limber enough to be climbing into the attic. Thus endeth another tradition.

With the death of my husband traditions are over - Thanksgiving was just a day to get time-and-a-half at work.

I do have a sister in Buffalo, but traveling to that city at this time of year through the winter is a crapshoot and I don’t have anyone to care for my birds (my niece is highly allergic to feathers, and we haven’t been able to teach the parrots to stop shedding).

For as long as I can remember we had Thanksgiving at my parents’ house. They are now in their 80s, and they decided they can’t manage it anymore. So this year it is at my sister’s house, and we expect it to be here from now on.

Mostly this ^^.

Over the years I’ve made hams, turkeys, or roast beef for Thanskgiving. One of these days I’m gonna spit-smoke a locally caught dolphin. The feast works no matter what the main course is.

Yeah, dressing is pretty passe these days. I ask somebody who likes it to bring it or not as they see fit. I won’t make it or eat it.

Fake mashed potatoes is sacrilege. Sorry. Feast or no, that ain’t food.

This time we had our Thanksgiving / Solstice / Christmas / New Years / Presidents / Valentines / Ides / Equinox / April Fools / Tax Day / Memorial Day / Juneteenth / Solstice / Independence / August 9th / Labor / Equinox / Halloween / Veterans / Thanksgiving tree all ready to go. :smack:

This year for sure we’ll take it down right after New Years. I promise. :smack:

Our big change is recently my wife’s sister moved to our part of the country. So now she, and her grown kids if they can make it, are part of our group. That’s happy.

About five years ago, we started hosting an annual game night party on the Saturday after Thanksgiving that is “bring your leftovers and eat someone else’s,” which has been very popular.

:eek:What?!?! :eek:
That’s the only “must” at our Thanksgiving dinner! If I thought I could get away with it, I d have a dressing sandwich between two big slices of dressing and slathered with dressing. For desert just add gravy.

Our venue has changed to my daughter’s house, since they have very small children and it’s easier for the rest of the family to go there than for them to load up and go anywhere.

I do not set fire to Hobo Camps down by the river.

Funny you should say that - instead of a kids’ table, my sister always designates “Hobo Town” - usually the end of the long series of tables that doesn’t quite match up. :smiley:

Five years ago, I started working in a store that gives double pay for working on Thanksgiving.

For years and years–like, 20?–we cooked a turkey outdoors on the Weber grill, and it was always delicious. In addition to the turkey we made Parker House rolls, gravy, and mashed potatoes, and then had guests who brought whatever, like green bean casserole or sweet potatoes (with marshmallows, ugh), and we had certain embellishments we liked, such as a very piquant cranberry/orange/jalapeno sauce.

Now our children are grown and off with families of their own, so we are now having Thanksgiving at their place, not cooking the turkey, and letting them do the accoutrements, except that we bring one thing or another. I thought I had taught my sons how to cook Parker House rolls, but I was wrong, something is lacking. And I really miss the whole ritual of going and out adding coals to the turkey every hour throughout the day while listening to Alice’s Restaurant and Stan Freberg presents the United States of America.

(Also: My pie crust is better than anybody else’s. I’m not cussing; I’m putting a spell on it.)

Question of the year: Why did we have it at the home of the couple with a two-year-old and an eight-month-old? Basic answer: Because they have enough chairs so we don’t all have to schlep our own chairs over there. At my house we were sitting on the piano bench, one bench from the picnic table, and a couple of plastic lawn chairs, in addition to all the regular dining chairs and some of the living room chairs.

No more family get togethers, my son is rarely home for it (stationed in Hawaii), so husband and I do what we’ve always wanted to do - NOTHING. If I’m mobile in a particular year at that time, we go out for fast food, or go to the bar (they have a “regulars-ing” and we all bring something to share. I am usually stuffing boss. This year, I’m not mobile, so we did nothing. I slept until about 12:30, we watched TV, and that’s about it.

Strictly menu changes:

We mostly eat with my in-laws and they won’t make stuffing…just dressing. This is a major deal, since the family that makes the turkey gets to decide if there’s stuffing.

My mother always made sticky buns. I have the recipe, but mine never turn out exactly right. My mother passed this year and I doubt we will have them again. This is a huge loss.

My mother also made sure there were lots of creamed/pureed vegetables (parsnips, rutabagas, sweet potatoes, etc.), which I will not miss.

Dressing/Stuffing is not my style, but what’s stopping you? There’s a reason most feasts are served buffet style where the mix on your plate is your choice.

How about a heaping bowl of warm dressing for breakfast? With warmed gravy of course.

Well… My 88 year old mother has 4 cracked vertebra, and also broke her hip 3 years ago. She is on her own, in her own house but I travel to see her twice a month. That’s 100 mountain miles away. So, for making it easier on everyone, I just order a full T-day dinner from Whole Foods. It’s still a hell of a lot of work. I went to mom’s house on Wednesday to set things up. There where 9 of us for dinner, we had expected 10. My Wife, cousins and nephews help out a lot. As does my mom.

I’m back home, but still need to unpack my car. It can wait though.

So I guess the change is that we order the whole deal pre-cooked. Just have to warm everything. It gets raves. So I’m fine with that. No way I could do all the set up, take down and cook too. As it was, I hardly even ate. Too busy. It’s all about visiting and getting together.

I’m alone.
Not much different from a regular dinner.

Yeah I couldn’t eat any turkey this year b/c of having 2 wisdom teeth pulled . :frowning:

From experience: Mixed with some gravy it blends swell. Try it. With some cranberry sauce on top it’s pretty nice.

IME don’t put the cranberry sauce in the blender unless you like something that looks like the glop they make hot dogs out of. Yech!