According to mswas, Christ was to return December 25, 2005. I checked the Messiahcam and didn’t see anything, but I realize based on my own religious beliefs (biases) I would likely be one of those people that does not recognize Christ when I see him; only true believers will recognize Christ, right?
So, did I miss it? Have I been left behind, like in the “Left Behind” series?
If so, everyone I know was left behind and based on my day after Christmas trip to the Emergency Room*: the world is going to end with an upper respiratory plague, “domestic altercations” and based on my 5 hour drive from Ft. Worth to Austin (typically 3 hrs) a ton of auto accidents (the jaws of life were in high demand on Hwy 35).
Based on the reason mswas provided for why s/he believes Christ was to return on the 25th, I think it may have been a personal thing, but the nurses were really interested in what everyones’ religion was (something about some religions refusing certain treatments or something along those lines), and I’m beginning to wonder if there was a right and wrong answer to that question.
My dad is back in the hospital after a quadruple bypass and kidney surgery in October. They don’t know what is wrong with him; some type of intestinal infection and a “mass in his liver” – we should know sometime this week what that means.
Wow. I just read all his responses in that thread, and I have to say: that’s got to be some of the most insane rambling I’ve ever encountered on this board (even with the eventual cop-out that “not everyone will feel the event”). I love the way it coincides with his birth, too - nothing says “crackpot” like extreme narcissism. Please tell me that was some Andy Kaufman-type mind-fuck.
From what I have learned, people will see the rapture happening. So cool. And I am still here, so it can’t have happened. I hope.
It would be on the news. And now, heres geraldo to tell you what just happened!
The bible says no one will know the day. So if someone guesses a day, it can’t be that one.
In case you were referring to me: it wasn’t meant as anti-humor. :eek:
I am a smart ass (some would say dumb ass), but perhaps I should have been more direct in my Pitting. Please forgive me, it’s my first attempt.
My personal opinion is that mswas lives in a very special place. While I recognize we’re all different, I believe some ideas are dangerous in the wrong hands. I’m not saying that mswas as a person is dangerous, but that the fervent ideology the s/he holds to is.
Of course, the absurdity of mswas’s post equaled Jerry Springer-type stories that we overheard in the emergency room (not that we wanted to hear but my dad was in the same room with a woman who was quite vocal and let everyone around know that she’d been in a fight with her ex… the cops didn’t help) and how absurd it would be for the end of the world to be marked by such a regular winter sickness as an upper respiratory infection.
If Christ had returned, I would have expected something more extraordinary to occur. But, mswas claims that most people will not recognize the return of Christ, so, maybe we all missed it.
I finally have some time, now that he’s decided to take a 30 minute shower and use up all the fucking hot water in the house, but, yes, Jesus arrived at noon on the 25th. He just strode right in, and immediately started with the “Where’s my damned presents” and “Happy fucking birthday to me!!”. If it wasn’t one thing with him it was another: No Hi Def. No stereo system. Why do we have to watch kid shows? I want porn! He would not shut up. Finally my wife got him a pitcher of water, and he eventually passed out about midnight. We fixed up the basement trundle bed, and put him down for the night.
And don’t get me started about his behavior yesterday. He kicked my wife and I out of our bed, because it was better for his back. “Let’s see you get crucified and not come away with some serious back pain!” he said. While we cleaned up his messes from the day before, he sat on his ass in front of the television watching Harold and Kumar go to White Castle on pay per view. He made me spend the afternoon running around looking for grasshoppers and dates, and then would not shut up with the “This is my body” jokes all dinner. He even started hitting on my wife until I told him to knock it off. Apparently that pissed him off, because he did the whole “I died for your sins” routine … and started to list them. Now THAT was embarrassing.
If mswas is right, and we have to wait another 7 years for the apolocaylpse, I swear to God that I’m going to kick his scrawney little
Associated Press Writer
Dec 23 6:43 PM US/Eastern
NEW YORK - A Manhattan man’s holiday spirits soared to celestial heights Friday when a judge gave him permission to change his name to Jesus Christ. Jose Luis Espinal, 42, of Washington Heights, said he was “happy” and “grateful” that the judge approved the change, effective immediately. Espinal said he was moved to seek the name change about a year ago when it dawned on him, “I am the person that is that name.”
Attn all Christers: HE IS THE PERSON THAT IS THAT NAME. That’s good enough for me!
Why does this remind me of that Simpson’s episode where Homer was predicting the rapture? :dubious: Hamlet, please ship a new keyboard to my work immediately. I’m going to brag about you for a while . . . hope you don’t mind.
Give **mswas ** a break. I mean I know you guys like to nitpick over typos but really…just cause the guy typed 2005 when he meant 20005. It’s an easy mistake to make, we all knew what he meant.
And I think we can all agree that Christ WILL return on December 25th 20005 at noon. Personally I am going to leave instructions for my decendants to have a nice pork chop dinner ready for him when he comes back (his dad told me it’s his favorite).
Good Cripes! I am sooo jealous. I was supposed to pit the H-E-(double Hockey sticks) out of the MSWAS post… and I mised my opportunity. Oh well, I’m glad somebody did. A-Physical Doomsdayer’s freak me out — If there a an H-bomb dangling above my head or a massive comet “comin’ right for us”, I can see being worried or being happy (if you’re insane)… otherwise, they’ve just got to get over themselves!
Ugh – sorry! :smack: The last post above (gooftroopag) was mine. I was visiting gooftroopag and her computer was not logged out – I didn’t notice. It was really me!
I’m going to give mswas the benefit of the doubt and consider that post written with tongue in cheek unless otherwise informed. No one is that self-centered, right? Right?