have often wondered what "R.K.O." stood for

Dear Straight Dope:

  1. I have often seen the name of a famous movie studio in Hollywood called “R.K.O.” I have never seen the name not abbreviated and . I hope you will help me with this question I have wondered about for years.

2.Why isn’t your column available in the New Orleans Times-Picayune?

–Kim Marshall
SDSTAFF Ken replies:

1.The letters stand for: Radio - Keith - Orpheum.

2.As to why the New Orleans Times-Picayune doesn’t carry the Straight Dope, some mysteries are too complex for even Cecil to fathom.


1.The letters stand for: ‘Radio - Kennedy - Orpheum’ for
RCA, Joseph Kennedy and Keith Orpheum.

  1. I’d say it’s for comitting basic factual errors such as this.
    Mystery solved.

Welcome to the SDMB, Juan- Andre. A link to the Staff Report is appreciated. Providing one can be as simple as pasting the URL into your post, making sure to leave a blank space on either side of it. Like so: http://www.straightdope.com/mailbag/mrko.html

It’s true that Kennedy was involved, but I’m pretty sure Ken is right when he says the K stands for Keith, not Kennedy.

In fact you’re correct.
I withdraw my post, as well as any assertions, accusations and wayward attempts at sarcasm that were present in it.

Hey! Wait a minute! You can’t be that civil, and get away with it. Don’t you know about this board. We eat people like you for lunch.

You can’t admit you are incorrect. That’s not the way one plays the game. You have to get indignant. And whine. We like whining.

Quitting is for losers! Fight like a man. C’mon. It’s just a flesh wound. etc…\

Juan-Andre That’s right. When all else fails, show class. :smiley:

It’s acknowledged that Staff Reports may occasionally contain errors of fact, but they’re not printed in the newspapers. The newspapers only get the column by Cecil each week; it’s only here online that we also get classic Cecil columns from the archive and Staff Reports authored by other members of the Straight Dope staff.