Have Summer Vacation Villas In Tuscany Become Passe?

I remember the Seinfeld episode, where “the Maestro” is discouraging Jerry from renting a vacation villa in Tuscany.
In the mid-1990’s such a vacation was fashionable (among the NYC elite).
Has this run its course? Is Tuscany out of fashion?Can ordinary folk contemplate sch a vacation now?

I think Tuscany got overrun by the NYC (and London) elite.

When I get home I can try to find the cite, but I was reading a criticism of Vogue** and Anna Wintour (this may have been in her Wikipedia entry actually) which stated that they seemed to have a strange obsession with the “Villa in Tuscany” story. So I guess in the fashion world it’s been overdone.

Within the past two years, two friends of mine have gone and rented villas in Tuscany (lucky bastards). One was working on a film, the other just taking a long vacation.
Both loved it, and both said they would do it again in a heartbeat.
So - based solely off their comments, my guess is that it is not passe - but perhaps not the hot, new insider tip.

If Tuscany is wrong I don’t wanna be right.