Have you asked Buddha into your life?

Well, have you? I could lend some insight to basic questions about Buddhism. I may even be able to debate. Think of this as the “Ask the Buddhist guy!” thread.

Aww, C’mon! I know you have some questions! Shoot! I want to help you be enlightened :slight_smile:

Enlighten me.

According to the Gospel of John, Jesus is supposed to have wanted people to invite him into their lives, and having done so, to go out and annoy, er, witness to people about it so that they too will invite him in.

Is there a sutra where Gautama the Buddha is said to have done likewise? My impression was that he, well, not wanted people to follow the Eightfold Path, since that would imply a need or urge, which he had overcome, but smiled benefically on them as they tried to follow it. Care to fill me in?

(This post is done in the same gentle, dry humor with which the OP appears to be vested, and is not intended to poke fun at anybody’s religion, except maybe the style of evangelical Christian who thinks insulting people in Jesus’ name is the way to win Him friends.)

No. There is no witnessing in any form of Buddhism. Neither is Buddha supposed to be worshipped as a diety, except that many lay Buddhists in the east have turned the philosophy into much more of a religion than was intended.

Gotta question about Zen Buddhism or Vipassana, feel free to ask me as well, been practicing for some time now.


friend red dragon,

as a novice buddhist, i have more questions than answers. two quotes from buddha:

“we do not learn by experience, but by our capacity for experience”


“all conditioned things are impermanent. work out yopur own salvation with diligence.” (the buddha’s last words)

it seems as though the buddha is teaching to look within ourselves for enlightenment; to expand our awareness and open our minds.

i expect the answers to my questions will lead to even more questions, in a never ending search. the journey is the destination.

“we do not receive wisdom, we must discover it for ourselves, after a journey through the wilderness, which no one can make for us,which no one can spare us,for our wisdom is the point of view from which we come at last to regard the world” (marcel proust)

I would like to sign up to help convert the unbeleivers.

When I become a Budhist I’m wondering what groups I get to hate. I’m hoping it’s a big group.

When I convert somebody to Budhism under duress does that count, or should I keep duressing them until they die so that they don’t backslide?

When’s bingo?

As buddhist…

Can we force prayer on others in school?

Do we get to say to other people what to do?

Is there any accepted torturing or burning of non-believers?

Can we act racist in the name of god?

Can we interpret a contradictory set of rules as we see fit?

Can we ignore every scientific evidence?

Do we get a free ticket to something good (heaven?) even if we ignore every single rule for now and just ask redemption later?

Do we get to belittle other religions as fake and evil (not the TRUE ONE)?

Hopefully, your reply will be positive to these questions or your religion is not good enough for me! <G>

All praise Buddah. The streets will flow with the blood of the non-believers.

Cisco, not quite.

mgdam, no, no, no, if you feel like it, sure why not, again if you feel like it, not really, nope, not really important but thanx all the same. :slight_smile:

Scylla, the idea is to be mindful and compassionate, no hate for anyone intentionally. Buddhists don’t witness, or force Buddhism on others under duress. But that doesn’t speak for all people that are Buddhist, just the principles of Buddhism and the five precepts we try to follow.

longhair, as my Zen Master told me once, there will always be more questions than answers, because ultimately there is only one answer. He then slapped his hand hard on the floor and swung his Zen Stick to within an inch or so of my nose. This was the answer. Can’t get intellectual when trying to find the answers in Buddhism, it’s pretty trancsendant.

good quote, stick with it. yes, Gautama Buddha asked that we look withing ourselves that we may find our answers and the salvation we are seeking. Whether we found it in a god, in ourselves, or in whatever force we wanted to call it.

Polycarp- While I am not vastly knowledgeable on the sutras, I will attempt to answer your question. When a person asks about Zen, the first time they are only curious and do not really care about it. The second time, they are just attempting to start a conversation. The third time, they are genuinely interested. Then they can be filled in on Zen, as they have the desire to learn. It is felt that someone will truly feel the need to realign their karma when it happens. We Buddhists are a patient bunch.

Longhair75- Your first quote tells me that the Buddha is saying “you will learn by your thirst for knowledge, not by what is presented to you.” Hope that de-mystifies the first quote.

On the second, I believe that the Buddha is saying “Nothing lasts forever, so work while you can to reach your spiritual enlightenment.”

Scylla- You have a dry wit. I love that. Hate is an emotion that will lead you nowhere except away from where you want to go.

Soulsling- thanks for the help.

mgadam- You are also very witty. We do not force our religion on anybody. It creates dischord.

Cisco- I believe you have mistaken this for the “Ask Satan!” thread. Down the hall, on your left.

Remember, everyone- There is no road to peace, peace is the road.

I can’t resist. . .

What did the Buddist master say to the hot dog vendor?

Make me one with everything.

I’m sorry, I’ll be quiet now.

Red Dragon

Wonderful thread! Thanks for opening it!

I once heard a story, and want to know whether it is true, and if you don’t know, whether it is conveivably true or obviously false for some reason. A student shares a few moments with his Zen Master:

Student: “Do you believe that Jesus is God?”

Master: “Yes”.

Sudent: [surprised] “Why?”

Master: “Because he said he is.”

Student: [dumbfounded] “But, Master! Anyone can make such a claim. If I say that I am God, will you believe that I am?”

Master: “No.”

Student: [incredulous] “And why not?”

Master: “Because you are not.”

Libertarian- Thanks for asking! Although I have not heard of this, a discussion like it could or might have taken place. On e of the priniples of Buddhism is to lead by example. Jesus led a truthful life and never lied, therefore making everyone believe that He always tells the truth. Thus, when He said He was God, the Zen Master was able to trust his character and say yes. The master knew that his student, in his foolishness, had betrayed his non-God-liness.

there is no fire like greed,
no crime like hatred,
no sorrow like separation,
no sickness like hunger of heart,
and no joy like the joy of freedom.

health, contentment and trust
are you greatest possessions,
and freedom your greatest joy.

look within.
be still.
free from fear and attachment,
know the sweet joy of living in the way.

(from the dhammapada, translated by thomas byrom)

So the vendor does, and says, “That’ll be a buck fifty.”

The Buddist master gives him a fifty, which the vendor pockets. The master says, “Hey, what about my change?”

Then vendor replies, “Change must come from within.”

I gave away my copy of the Dhammapada.

I recall reading a passage in it, or maybe it was from another Bhuddist scripture or sutra that went something like-

Do not follow any religion or philosophy that is contradicted by reason or by your own experience.

I followed this teaching and wound up Catholic.
I told a friend of mine who is into Eastern religion and philosophy that I was following the Tao by being Catholic. He looked mystified and said, “Did you hear what you just said?”

After a moment’s thought, he realized what I meant.

agisofia, I have nothing but smiles for you. :slight_smile:

red_dragon60, My pleasure. How long have you been practicing, and what particular practice? Just curiosity.

andros, nice one :slight_smile:

One day while walking down the road, I asked Buddha into my life. And sure enough, the Buddha appeared before me on the road.

You know what I had to do next.

Soulsling- I have been practicing my own particular blend of buddhism for about a year now. For every practicioner there is a different practice. I took Satan’s religion test, and I believe I came up as Mayahara (sp?). I follow the Buddhist beliefs and codes. I am trying to be a better person.

Better than what?

Since peace is the road, and time is limited, do you continue to try to be better for all the time you have, or is there some point when you realize you are better, and stop to enjoy the improvement?

(serious question, not poking fun)

RTFirefly, you killed him. :slight_smile:

red_dragon60, there isn’t really anything so much to follow per se except what is in your heart in Buddhism. The Five Precepts are the same throughout all practices, and what you are doing is quite common, though eventually, people tend to pick a particular style of practice because it allows them to practice and learn with a sangha. Good luck. Don’t try, just be. That’s what the Buddhist masters and monks would say.

tradesilicon, Better than one one already is, as in more compassionate, more mindful and aware.

Time is never limited, only our lives are. (some Zen Masters would argue that we are only limited if we believe that…) Trying to be a good, or better person is relative to how they are presently, and there is no point at which the aim is to stop. We continuously enjoy the being better as best we can, even if already “enlightened” or “awakened”.