Have you ever been in jail/prison?

I have this theory, that has proven quite correct so far & I read about it somewhere too. If a person eats with their arms on the table, & sort of bend down, guarding their plate kinda of, they have been in prison before. I asked some guys who did this & they have been in prison. It’s a position one takes to protect their food. Interesting. That’s even after they get out.

A couple of times in the Army two times out.

The Army ones all consited of the MPs picking me up from the San Antonio Jail, to transport me to the MP brigg till they could locate our (me and this guy named Jeff I always hung with) Commanding Officer. Jeff use to like to pick on Marines in bars. I’ve probably paid for a whole barroom by now. Most shop keepers wouldn’t press charges as long as you paid for the damage.

Drunk Tank after beating up this guy for beating up his girlfriend (the cops wouldn’t charge me with assualt because all the neighbors told how I was trying to help) got out the next morning.

Second time really ticked me off.

I was working in San Francisco in 1990 and it was the End of Month. I had to stay after work and do all the Sales and Accounting reports, so I didn’t leave the office till 9pm. It was also payday. I get home an hour and a half later to find out that my son is really sick with a cold. We didn’t have any money in the house but the Liquor Store around the corner cashed checks. I go cash my check and buy cough syrup and cigarettes.

As I’m leaving the store I light a cigarette. This guy approches me and ask if he can have my matches. I say sure and give them to him. right then 5 police cars pull up and the police start arresting everyone in sight. (this was a known spot for crack dealing) the cop who’s closest to me has me do the position frisk me and finds my money and cigarettes. He ask why I have so much money (about $800), and I tell him the whole story.

He asked the highest ranking guy what to do with me. The guy tells him to arrest me because the ammount of money I was carrying was suspicious. So off to jail I go. I try to explain it to every cop I talk to but they still book me and send me to the felony tank. After about three hours I’m able to make phone calls so I call my (now ex)wife and explain the situation. She calls a lawyer.

The next day (Saturday) after breakfast, they send me to a room where there is the lawyer my wife called. I tell him the whole story and he says “if you’re telling me the absolute truth, you don’t need me, and don’t bail out” (he said if I bailed out the police would view that more suspiciously and then I would need a lawyer). He said just wait till the DA sees your case in a couple of hours.

Well he was right (mostly). As it turned out I spent the whole weekend in jail because we had a festival going on that turned violent and sent at least 100 people to jail. But the DA did send me home with no charges at all.

Yes, in fact I am getting ready to leave for jail right now. My shift starts at 11p. I work there. :slight_smile: