Have you ever been lit up at a party, [AND]...

Have you ever been totally lit up at a party… then had the girl you’re going on a date with tomorrow walk in the door? Let me tell you, it’s a troublesome situation. It is a royal bitch.

Closest that came for me was when I was totally wasted and making out with this cute gal. Someone decided it made a good photo opportunity and somehow my gf at the time found out about it.

bye bye girlfriend. The cute gal and I ended up not having much in common :mad:

Oh, phew, that was close I thought this was one of those " did you ever get lit up at a party and make a pass at your boss and stagger around muttering to yourself when people had decided to avert their eyes and whisper laughter at you" thread.

Yeah, because that never happened. :stuck_out_tongue:

Not quite, I date guys.

Sorry cough. Could you enlighten us a wee bit more on this?

Questions like the one contained in the OP are the reason I carry little cards bearing the full text of the Fifth Amendment around with me at all times.