Have you ever been naked in your office?

When I voted, no. But as of a few minutes ago, yes. :wink:

Yes, and for the same reason as the OP. My classroom is right off the faculty parking lot, so several of the teachers who ride with the Mountain Bike team change in my room if the debate team isn’t practising late that day.

Personally I’ve been down to my skivvies while changing pants, but never starkers.

Same here.
Well, not **his **wife. **My **wife. More than once.
So it’s not the same. It’s different. And more.

Down to my underwear while changing for after-work activities, but never completely bare.

I voted ‘other’ because I have never had my own office. I am pretty sure if I ever had an office, I would be voting ‘yes’.

When I used to walk at lunch, I would change into walking clothes. After my walk I would change back into dry underwear and my morning work clothes. So yes, I’ve been nude at work. Got a door to my office though, so I was alone.

I work from home, so the answer is yes - constantly.

No, but I have been naked in your office.

I’ve been naked in random customers basements, backyards, sheds, etc . I keep a change of clothes for particularly wet or dirty jobs. I prefer to not stain up vehicles so like to change before leaving.

Been naked in my office too.

I work in a lab. Nakedness is not recommended.

I used to work in porn. I was almost the only one who had never done so.

Yes, I’ve been naked in my office several times. Of course I work at home.

I’m naked all the time! Under my clothes

Last year, for a period of 8 weeks, I slept in my office 5 nights a week due to a transportation issue (and a wife being a **** issue). I referred to it as my trial separation. It has made this year’s real separation much easier.

No. Shirtless, yes, in the bathroom after having a bra malfunction, but that’s as far as it went.

What’s the point of even having a windowless office with a lockable door, if not to get naked, have sex, and/or masturbate?

Define “office,” please. If it’s synonymous with the entirety of one’s workplace, then I’ve been naked here many times; we have space on campus for workouts and a shower to keep people from having to go back to work bottomless.

If you’re talking about an office office, then never quite naked. But when I worked at my first Sears I happened to have one of the few privates offices, and I had sex there once. I didn’t get completely naked, but all the important bits were exposed.

I was thinking more “office office” – i.e., one’s personal workspace – rather than the more broadly defined “place of employment.”

I work in the children’s department of a library, and our workspace is open stations, so being caught buck naked there would result in a major shit storm. I won’t even change my shirt at my workstation. A complicating factor is that I am the only male member (har!) of a 13 person crew. We have restrooms for changing and screwing and whatnot.

All the time.
My office is my bedroom, or my bedroom is my office.
At least until the house guests from hell leave and I get the guest bedroom back.