Have you ever been suspended from school?

For anything other than fighting?
I have. Part of it may be that I went to a Catholic grade school, which may have had different expectations from students on the moral level.

The first time I remember being suspended for something was when I melted crayons on the radiator in the back of the classroom. They had the old water heater types that would get burning hot. I had a desk in the back of the classroom and would melt the wax into molds that I carved into my eraser.

Another time I was talking to a couple of friends and was singing “Marina and Mark, sitting in a tree, F, U, C,” and by the time I got to “K”, I noticed my friends eyes were like saucers. I turned around and noticed that the teacher was standing right behind me. Oops.

In gradeschool, we used to switch classrooms for different classes, and would be seated in another student’s homeroom desk with all their school supplies in plain view. One day I happened to sit in my best friend’s desk. I looked in his desk and wrote “Taj sucks lemen” on his eraser. While I had meant to write “lemon”, I had misspelled it and the “l” ended up looking like an “S”…“Taj sucks semen.” I ended up going home for the day.

In eighth grade, one student, usually a girl, would watch the phones for the school secretary while she was at lunch. One of the girls had notified me that while looking through the desk she had stumbled upon the school master key. I asked her to steal it for me and I ran to the hardware store during recess, made about six copies, and passed them out to my close friends. We were unsuspected for about two weeks. It was chaos. We would go everywhere we weren’t supposed to, sneak around the school at night, or break into the kitchen and drink chocolate milk. One day, the bubble bursted. A friend was in the kitchen and a teacher found him with his head in the refrigerator. He snitched me out, and I ended up doing after-school detention everyday for two months; cleaning erasers, emptying trash, etc. Ugh.

In high-school I was once given detention for smoking; A friend(Matt) and I were caught red-handed and sent to the disciplinarian’s(Jim) office. Both my Matt and I had fathers who worked overseas, his in Japan, and mine in Bahrain(the middle east). Jim instructed us to call our fathers, and we both explained that they were far, far, away. Jim didn’t think that this was any time to be joking around, scenes from The Breakfast Club swirling in his head. Matt and I couldn’t take it any longer and the tears started rolling from our eyes. We burst into laughter and ended up getting even more detention. Truly funny.

IMHO, no. [sub]sorry- just wanted to be snarky today.[/sub] But I was asked to leave a classroom once and only once. I was in sixth grade, the teacher was going through a slideshow on bone growth, and said something to the extent of “And once you reach sixteen or seventeen years old, your bones have pretty much gotten to their adult size, so you don’t need to drink as much milk.” I piped up, “Yeah, that’s when you drink beer!”

As I sat in the hall, passing students and teachers were bewildered to find me out there. I was the quiet geeky kid who got straight As and never made any trouble. Still don’t know why I did that…

I was once suspended for posting to the wrong forum

…and drinking, and gross insubordination, and for replacing our school’s flag with the Jolly Rodger, and for spray-painting graffiti, and for skipping classes (oh the irony there) and for parking in the teacher’s lot, and for … well, the list goes on for a while. But I’m better now, thankyouverymuch.

I was supended when I changed the teachers powerpoint presentation from from the history of the Civil war, to a homage to the Dead Kennedys. I should not have warren my Dead Kennedys tee shirt that day.

I went back to my home town last summer to visit family and ran into my old HS principal. We mutually detested each other back in the old days.

He said, “Funny I should see you. I actually came across your old student file a few weeks ago. Do you realize you still owe the school more than 300 hours of detention?”

I reminded him of the conversation we’d had 13 yeras earlier when I was just about to graduate.

He had said something to the effect of, “You can’t graduate or receive your diploma with all the detention you haven’t bothered to complete.”

I responded by saying that I would be happy to return to high school in the fall for the purpose of serving out my detention. Of course, that would require that I put off starting college for a semester, which would require my putting of moving out of town so that he’d likely never have to see me again.

I graduated and got my diploma.

He didn’t like that I reminded him of that conversation.

Hey! I think I can divert this thread to keep in in General Questions!

I was suspended about a week before I was supposed to graduate from high school. For spreading pornography. Pornography involving a student. In any case, all I did was create the advertisement. In my own time, and off school grounds. Of course this was given to the intended recipient, who (using school photocopiers) distributed hundreds of copies at school. Of course, he ratted ME out, and I got suspended.

So, had I bothered to fight this suspension, what would have been my chances of winning?

Aw, geez. Doncha know? Everybody knows that smokin’ ain’t allowed in school.

Off to MPSIMS.


Kissing in the hallways.

And I’d really appreciate it if you guys would at least act surprised, okay? Thanks.

I spent alot of time on in school and out of school suspension.Trouble just always seemed to find me.


I was suspended my sophomore year for leaving school grounds after I had gotten there but before school had actually started. Lame, yes. But, see, I was one of the good kids. Well, in the sense that I never (usually) got caught, anyway.

The situation was that my best friend had apparently run away from home the night before (without my prior knowledge)with her boyfriend and her parents were freaking out. my parents hadn’t known this when they dropped me off for school or they would have kept me out for the day and took me over to see if I could be of any help. Instead, a girl who was a senior who also knew my friend offered to take me and another friend over to her house to see if we could tell her parents anything that might help. We didn’t see the problem–after all, school hadn’t actually started for the day. But apparently, it’s enough that you were on campus for a few minutes. I (along with the senior girl and my other friend) were suspended–out of school–for three days. I ended up missing the big St. Patrick’s Day dance and had to go to the crappy one that took place a day later. Yes, I still have bitterness over the incident, thankyouverymuch. :wink:

What do you mean “that was boring”? You asked!

Suspended? Ha! I’ve been expelled.


The first time was at the end of sixth grade. Another student bit me. Yes, that was grounds for me being expelled. Maybe they were afraid I’d caught rabies, or something.

The second time was at the end of ninth grade. My health teacher gave me a detention (for something he wasn’t allowed to give detentions for, but that’s besides the point), and didn’t tell me. When I didn’t show up, I got an office detention. When I tried to appeal the office detention to the Dean of Men (disciplinarian), he told me that I had to take it up with the health teacher. When I tried to take it up with the health teacher, he referred me back to the Dean of Men. After a few bounces, I got frustrated, and tore up the detention slip in front of the Dean of Men. I believe that the official charge was “disrespect”.

Interestingly, those two events were among the best things that have ever happened to me. In both cases, I ended up transferring to the best possible school I could have chosen.

I got suspended in 7th grade for getting in a “fight.” I use quotes there because the entire fight went like this:

He punches me in the shoulder.
I kick him in the shin.
The 10,000 Year Old Woman (Our English teacher) breaks it up.

Honestly, it was the most pathetic fight ever. We were both embarassed by it. I mean, we weren’t even bleeding or anything. We didn’t really get suspended, we got “In House Suspension,” which meant that for two days, we had to show up at school, but instead of class, we had to help the janitor clean up the school. I should mention that the janitor was easily the most popular employee at the school (He had a tattoo! He had been witnessed drinking beer! He was known to have enjoyed the company of women! He had pecs that were as big around as a radial tire!) I ended up cleaning every window in the school. Younger kids (the school taught kindergarten through eigth grade) asked me why I was doing it, and I told them that I was getting paid for it, and all seventh and eigth graders were allowed to take two days off a year to work for the school for money. They believed me! They still believed it the next year! It was great! I had so much fun! At least, more fun than I would have had in Algebra.

At the end of the two days, the principle called me back into his office and asked me what I had learned. I told him I wanted to be a janitor when I grew up. His face turned fire engine red and he started yelling at me. Which was funny, because our principle was shorter than most of the fifth grade class, and looked sort of like Don Knotts without the commanding prescence and aura of respect. Lcukily, I stifled my giggles and pretended to be properly repentent, and got to go back to my regular classes.

Hmm. Sort of a long post, but I think the overall pointlessness more than makes up for it.

Nopers, but i still have two years to go and i seem to be getting wilder as the years go by.

Hmmm… oddly enough, it WAS permitted on my school grounds, at least at the time I was there (1987 to 1990). The only rule was students could only smoke greater than 25 feet from the doors, except one covered doorway that served as a guard from inclement weather. I.e., near that particular door you COULD smoke.

Evilbeth, we had a so-called “open campus,” and it was even perfectly fine to come and go all we wanted, as long as we weren’t supposed to be in class. The only downer was that if we left with our cars, we were supposedly not allowed to re-enter the parking lot (and the side streets were all HIGHLY ENFORCED one-hour parking).

Yes, the WAS public school. East Detroit (now “Eastpointe”), Michigan.

In high school, I got away with everything. In middle school, however, I was suspeneded for being late and skipping school all the time. Ironic, eh?

Almost on a monthly basis all through junior high and high school. Reasons ranged from smoking, cutting class, being a smart ass to one too many teachers, smoking dope, playing frisbee in the hallway, driving across the lawn near the back field (with a half dozen kids riding on the top of my car), getting caught super gluing a half opened can of sardines under a teachers desk (which in itself wasn’t too bad, but the fact that me and a friend had done it twice before to another teacher, we got busted for those as well), ummmmm. . . there were others but I can’t think of them at the moment.

One close call was from the street painting during homecoming. We brought our own little bottles of green paint used to paint car models and decorated sections with little pot leaves. No one saw us do it because there were so many kids painting and the principal could never PROVE it was us. :wink:

I was a total pot smoking, smart assed brat. I don’t know how the teachers and my parents could stand me back then. Interestingly, me and my girlfriends became the vice-principal’s favorites to the point he started giving us excuse notes and covering for us up when the asshole principal would get on our butts.

Thought of two more after I hit the send button.

I had this black shirt that had “DISCO SUCKS” written across the chest in glittery letters (remember, I graduated in 1980). The dickhead principal didn’t think it was proper for a young lady to wear something with that disgusting word “sucks” :rolleyes: and I didn’t feel like going home to change.

We didn’t get suspended for this because our teacher was very cool (he was only a few years older than us). In our farming class (I lived in the sticks and, well we just took this class so we would be the only females in a class full of adorable cowboys) we would take field trips to local dairies, rodeo grounds, farms, etc.

Because the class was small, we would take the short bus :::snicker:::. During a field trip, a couple of us snuck back into the bus a lit up a joint. The entire bus reeked of pot smell and it was obvious Bruce (the teach) knew what had happened. He made some comment about how it smelled “good” :::wink wink::: and then said nothing else.