Have you ever taken prescription medication for a mental health issue?

I’ve tried Zoloft, Paxil, Welbutrin, etc. Really, I got nothing out of them.

One doctor tried me on a very small dose of good old-fashioned Thorazine… And that actually helps. (Except that the price just sextupled recently! Argh!)

It helps a little with depression, and a lot with obsessive thought patterns (music you can’t get out of your head, etc.) Also a lot with panic attacks.

(I know, everybody gets earworms. But to have a short sequence of music – or a five word phrase – repeat unceasingly for days on end, that’s getting nasty.)

Of course not, I am Zen.

Started taking Prozac at around age 36. It’s been a life-saver. I wish I’d known about it when I was 12. But it was 1982 and we didn’t talk about mental illness as openly then as we do now, so…

Not currently on any prescription medications but I have been on Citalopram (Celexa), Bupropion (Wellbutrin), Mirtazapine (Remeron), Zolpidem (Ambien), Eszopiclone (Lunesta), Temazepam (Restoril), Clonazepam (Klonopin), Vyvanse, and Mixed Amphetamine salts (Adderall) at various points in my life. I’m taking a hiatus from my psychostimulants for a few months at least to see how I do without them (so far so good, provided I have some caffeine each day).

Citalopram. Has really helped me.

Yes, I was on an anti-depressant once. It reacted badly with me and was the only time I actually wanted to commit suicide.

Have never taken prescription medication for a mental or physical issue.

Yup. Currently taking Paxil, Mirtazipine & Doxepin. Seems to be doing pretty good. I started the Doxepin recently to replace the the ambien I was taking for sleep disorder. I’m feeling much better for making the switch.

Yup, this can happen sometimes. People going on or off the meds need to stay in touch with somebody while they get used to it. Unfortunately, there’s no way to know ahead of time if this side effect will hit, so it’s just heads up, I’m afraid.

In the past, Prozac, then Serzone. Temazepan to help me sleep.

All for PTSD, with a secondary diagnosis of severe depression and survivor guilt.

Nope, no drugs ever. Saw a therapist for an adjustment disorder (grandma’s slow painful death from breast cancer) in first and second grade, though.

A low dose of Lexapro, 'cause social anxiety isn’t too fun. Actually, I originally set out to find a medication to help my stuttering, which is strongly linked to social anxiety. It’s actually worked far better than I’d anticipated, which is a relief. It’s nice to be able to strike up random conversations again!

Who is Jack Lalanne?

I was put into the cuckoo’s nest after a person seeking revenge on me told the cops I was “suicidal.” I was forced to take Celexa, and was told it wasn’t a drug, just medication. Yeah, right. I was bouncing off the walls.

Later I was diagnosed with “situational depression” when I was unable to work due to a severe injury. Four different professionals told me to “go on disability and, if it depresses you, take medication.” In other words, don’t change the situation, just drug it.

I am currently working and will never again take any drugs. So there.

Briefly took Citalopram for depression. The side effects (orgasmic dysfunction) were worse than the disease, so I stopped cold-turkey. It had only been a couple weeks, but I got horrible eye zaps while experiencing withdrawal.

I have this kind of OCD, although in my case, it’s visual images. Awful, isn’t it? And you CANNOT distract yourself from it.

Didn’t realize how bad it was until I was put on Paxil after I got PTSD from a really horrible boss. I’ve been on it since 1997; I have tried going off it, and I don’t get the “brain zaps” that some people do but the OCD comes roaring back on the 3rd or 4th day.

I also recently started taking buspirone for perimenopausal agoraphobia. On the surface, it doesn’t seem to do much for me, but hoo boy I sure can tell when I don’t take it.

Been on Celexa for almost a year. Both my brothers and my horse died within 3 months of each other and I had a major depressive episode. I’m also on Restoril at night for sleep anxiety. Been on that for about 4 years.

I’d meant to answer this before, but was on the work laptop. :slight_smile:

Yes. I’ve had anxiety for as long as I remember, even as a kid in elementary school. I had my first depressive episode (with a big side of existential angst) when I was in high school.

I was given Prozac in the late 80s (while in college); it helped immensely with no side effects.

My docs and I tried different things when I’d have a depressive episode. A few years later, I took Zoloft. I also tried Buspar for the anxiety, but it made me dizzy. The depression and anxiety got bad a few times because of a very bad boss, or, in one memorable situation, someone going in to a department share drive and changing the work I’d done. It was so freaky that I questioned if it was really happening!

When the migraines became chronic, my docs tried tricyclic antidepressants for both the pain and the depression that comes with chronic head pain. Feckin’ useless. Effexor XR followed; good for depression, useless for my head pain, horrific to taper off.

I went back on Prozac for issues related to perimenopause, also Xanax. Both helped but really, HRT helped more. I love HRT.

I currently take Cymbalta for the chronic pain. We stumbled across it as a good anti-depressant for me after my fiance’ died suddenly in 2011. The psychiatrist I went to see immediately put me on it. When I re-surfaced enough from inside my own pain to notice, I realized that my knee and head pain were reduced as well.

I also use a benzodiazepine as needed. Currently I have a prescription for Ativan, but I’ve used Valium and Xanax, too. I might go through 30 pills in 90s or 120 days, so I don’t seem to have an addictive personality with them.
tl;dr – Yes, several, including SSRIs, SNRIs, tricyclic antidepressants, and anti-anxiety meds.

I’ve had the same phrase repeating in my head for the past five years. Sometimes it’s “loud”. Sometimes it’s barely perceptible. But it’s always there.

I’ve taken a slew of mental illness drugs. Mostly to treat the symptoms of my Tourette’s Syndrome (not a mental illness per se, but it can drive a person nuts) and the associated repetitive thoughts. My doc prescribed me Risperdal a couple of months ago. I still haven’t tried it. Don’t know if I ever will. I’m a horrible patient, I guess.

I’m currently taking Zoloft, Lamictal, Xanax, and Strattera. Diagnosis: Major Depressive Disorder, Anxiety and ADD.

My psychiatrist thinks that is too many meds to be on (I’m inclined to agree) - However, I still have almost-daily bouts of self-hatred, anxiety attacks that turn into asthma/coughing fits, and a chronic lack of self-motivation. So I’m dubious of decreasing any of my meds right now.

Since meds are often only part of the solution, she’s scheduled me for five FREE therapy visits (in addition to my regular therapist) to tackle some of my more ongoing issues like time management, self-care, etc. If I can get more of a handle on things like this, it could decrease my depression (I would be taking better care of myself) and anxiety (I would have things more nailed-down, so if there were any hiccups, I could handle them better).

I’m actually looking forward to this! :smiley:

Good luck to you all out there dealing with this sorta stuff too. :slight_smile:

I answered “I have taken prescription medication for a mental health issue in the past, but I am not now.” When I was in pharmacy school I got a script for alprazolam (Xanax) for public speaking. I had a presentation that was a group project in front of our entire class, and I totally froze. Luckily, one of my group noticed, and covered for me… Next time I saw my doctor, I got a script for alprazolam 0.5mg 1/2 to 1 every day as needed #30… That one script lasted me through the rest of school and was very helpful.

My wife on the other hand has been on citalopram (Celexa) for awhile due to a life event (which she is now off of), and she has a standing order for alprazolam 0.25mg as needed, which she takes a half tablet as needed to help her sleep (her technical 30 day supply normally lasts her 120 days or so).