Have you heard of the Christmas song "Up On the Housetop?"

You can see what song I’m talking about here:

Up On the Housetop Lyrics

My wife seems to think it is a rather common song, but I’ve never heard of it. To be fair, I don’t know the words to almost every Christmas song, but I’ve at least heard of them and know the tunes to them.

This one, I’ve never heard of until my wife started singing it to my daughter the other day.

We have a collection of Christmas songs on CD, and sure enough, it was on there.

Do you know this song? Is it very common?

I’ve heard this song all my life (I will be 50 in February). In fact, I remember that when I was a small child I wondered why they were singing about “reindeer paws”. Everybody knows reindeer have hooves !!:stuck_out_tongue:

Missed the edit window. I think the song is appealing to children because it lends itself to exaggerated comic effect. For example at the ‘click click click’ you are supposed to snap your fingers. And the ‘ho ho ho’ should be delivered with great gusto - every child tries to out-shout his classmates.

I think it’s fairly common and you just haven’t observed it before :slight_smile:

My MIL bought my daughter a book of maybe 20 or so Christmas carols and this was one of them.

I’ve heard is sung more than I’ve heard it played, if that makes sense. Like **NinetyWt **said, it’s a good one for children to sing. But I can’t remember hearing it on the radio.

I haven’t heard it in awhile, but it was definitely something we sang and heard often when I was a kid.

I sang it in school as a kid; I’m 28, if that makes a difference. I thought it was “Up on the Rooftop,” though.

Not as common as Jingle Bells, but at least as common as Away in a Manger or Silver Bells.

I like comparisons like this. It makes me realize what I’ve missed.

I’m totally adding this song to the list of “stuff I learned about late in life.”

I’m 31, by the way, and I really don’t know this song. :eek:

“Housetop”? N-n-no, it’s rooftop.

Moving thread from IMHO to Cafe Society.

It seemed quite common when I was kid in the 50’s, perhaps somewhat less so today.

Years ago some friends had a “Bawdy Christmas Carol” party where we worked up naughty parody lyrics to various Christmas songs. For this one, “Up on the housetop reindeer pause; out jumps good old Santa Claus” became “Up on the housetop reindeer paws kick poor Santa in the balls.” Things got worse from there. :wink: It was good unclean fun.

That’s just silly. Roofs don’t have tops. They are the top. :stuck_out_tongue:

We used to sing this in gradeschool during Christmas season. Not only do I know the song, I know all the verses. “Next comes the stocking of little Bill; Oh just see what a glorious fill!”

I sang it at some kind of school Christmas pagent around kindergarten or 1st grade. That would have been in the early 70’s. We had blocks to bang together to make the “reindeer paws” sound.

The Jackson 5 did a version of it. I hear it on the radio at work a lot. It’s fairly common.

I remember when I was in piano lessons as a kid, this is one of the songs I learned for our winter recital.

Yuppers. That was me too.

This is one of those times when I’m shocked to find out what people don’t know. (No offense meant, Mahaloth). I would have thought everyone in the English-speaking, Christmas-celebrating world had heard this song a jillion times.

Speaking of things people don’t know, I found out recently that my eighteen year old daughter didn’t know who Jack Nicholson was. :eek: I didn’t raise the child in a box, I swear!

In my elementary school in the 80’s, we sang this song every year. The music teacher had cardboard placards with poster-painted pictures on them - a rooftop, Santa, a chimney, toys, etc. People got picked to stand in front of the class and flip the placards as we sang the song. I think during the Christmas assembly this was performed by the 5th grade choir (while we all sang along).

It was definitely a big hit when I was a kid. And I always think of it with the placards.

But…come to think of it…I’ve rarely, if ever, heard it outside of that.