Have you served, or do you still serve, in the military? If so, what country and which branch?
United States Air Force, four years.
Have you served, or do you still serve, in the military? If so, what country and which branch?
United States Air Force, four years.
Nope. Spent my childhood on US Army bases and live and work on one now, but have never worn the uniform myself.
Currently in the Navy, 18+ years, getting ready for retirement.
Been around the military all my life, and family members have served, but I am a serious civilian.
Is it true that Navy flyboys can’t park a car without the aid of a flagger and a large net?
Came of age in the no gays inthe military era so no.
I serve the military, but have never served in the military.
10 years in the Air force working for AFRTS.
10 years a a DoD civilian at the USAF Academy.
First 12 years of my life was spent as an Air Force Brat. Great way to grow up, IMHO.
4 years of active duty army. Went from that directly into the Army National Guard. Just about to complete my 24th (yikes) year.
2 years in the army for the college fund.
Mentioned before: US Navy Seabees, 23 years, retired Chief Petty Officer. I’m assuming you wanted the country of citizenship, not places visited.
Nope; my father did, but not me.
I assume being a [del]filthy[/del] contractor doesn’t count?
No. I talked to my father about it, but my heart wasn’t set on it. We discussed it as a possibility. He was in the Navy, but he really wanted me to go directly to college and have a career. So I did.
My family’s an Air Force family. Grandfather met my grandmother when he was stationed in Luxembourg. Mother met my father when they were stationed in Florida. I was born on an Air Force base. All that and the Air Force line ends with me.
Nope. I was (very thankfully) born in one of the very first French generations that went through “compulsory military orientation” (i.e. two mandatory days of being called a soft, sackless faggot for 2 days straight by some gung-ho Indochina Wars veteran sergeant, from 6 AM onwards) instead of “compulsory military service”.
Yep. 3 plus years in the Army.
Since you’re not actually in the military are you allowed to yell back?
Ditto, although I never had any desire to serve in the military.
I was all set to report for the Vietnam war, if drafted. (My mother wanted me to run away to Canada.) Moot, since, for physical and psychological reasons, I’d have washed out in Basic Training.
(Or… What happened, during Vietnam, to U.S. draftees who were simply too slow, stupid, pudgy, clumsy, and/or cowardly to function as soldiers? Were there “punishment battalions” where losers were sent, assigned to paint barracks or wash trucks?)
(You’ve seen “Full Metal Jacket?” That would have been me, except I wouldn’t even have had the guts to shoot the D.I. Sigh…)